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This FINANCING STATEMENT is presented to the filing officer for filing pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code. 1( tjzs <br />Number of additional sheets: <br />Debtor(s) (last name first) and Address(es) Secured Party Name For Filing Officer (Pate, Time, Number, and <br />Woodman, Dannel Scott & Dena Farm Credit Services of the Filing gific <br />18941'. West Denman Road Midlands F LCA tILED IN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE <br />Street Address or Box Nn. FIALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />xene:�aw, NE 68955 M!�tJOF�IIr lJ�tUGgLC�, (:<<)viVTY CLFE�fi <br />206 South 19th Street <br />Dannel - 506- 84--0063 City, State, zip <br />Dena - 506 -68 --1930 Omaha, NE 68102 -- 1745 ** JUL J 1 1995 <br />Soo, Sec, No. or ID No. — Fed. Tax I.D. No. — 47-0376012 64- y )'f %.-- <br />This Financing Statement covers the following types (or items) of property and accessions thereto now owned or hereafter <br />❑ All Debtor's accounts, contract rights, rights to payment, documents, and general intangibles. <br />❑ All Debtor's crops, both harvested and unharvested, now growing or hereafter to be grown on the real estate described below. <br />❑ All Debtor's livestock. ❑ All Debtor's grain. ❑ All Debtor's feed for livestock. <br />❑ All Debtor's farm and ranch machinery, equipment, and tools. ❑ All Debtor's inventory. <br />All Debtor's fixtures on the real estate described below. (FILE STATEMENT WITH REAL ESTATE RECORDS.) <br />:d Other (describe): All Irrigation Equipment <br />* *Loan serviced at: Vann Credit Services, Sox 1808, Grand Island, NE 68802 <br />�t of realE :aa�(rt� lip t�liB NR 1/4 SW 1/4 'Ping South of the River Road, also known as the Elm <br />Island Road, and Lot 3 in the SW 1/4, all in Section 33, Township 9N, Range 12W 6th P.M. <br />PARCEL B: Lot 5, and the SW 1/4 NW 1/4, both Sec. 33, and the MW 1/4 SW 1/4, Section 33, <br />except a Tract containing 5.6 acres more or less lying North of the River Road, also known <br />as the Elm Island Road and more particularly described in a Warranty Deed recorded as <br />Document No. 91- 105939 in the Office of the Hall County Register of Deeds and all of Lot 4 <br />in the SW 1/4, Section 33, all in Township 9N, Range 12W 6th P.M. <br />PARCEL C: W 1/2 NE' 1/4, Section 33, lying North of the River Road, also known as the Elm <br />Island Road, and Lot 9,, Section 28, both Township 9N, Range 12W 6th P.M. <br />PARCEL D: Lot 8 in Section 28, Township 9N, Range 12W 6th P.M. <br />PARCEL E: All that part of the E 1/2 NW 1/4 lying North of the River Road in Section 33, <br />g1ownship 9N, Range 1.2W 6th P.M. <br />, ALL OF THE ABOVE WITH ALL ACCRETIONS THERETO <br />ALL IN HALL COUNTY, NE <br />Place an 'X" in the box if applicable. ❑ Products of Collateral are also covered. <br />The name of a record owner Is <br />The undersigned De tor(s) has received a copy of this form. Type or print name beneath ' nature(s). <br />Dannel Scott WQpdman Dena`Waodmaz'n <br />Signature of Secured Parry is substituted for Debtor(s) signature under 9- 402(2).. (Specify reason, ) t(4 C.� <br />FILING OFFICE COPY - NUMERICAL <br />