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OR <br />26. INDIVIDUAL'S <br />2c. MAILING ADDRESS ICITY ISTATE (POSTAL CODE ICOUNTRY <br />2d. TAX ID #: SSN OR EIN JADD'LINFORE 12e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 12f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION I2g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID #, if any <br />ORGANIZATION <br />DEBTOR ❑ NONE <br />3. SECURED PARTY'S NAME (or NAME of TOTAL ASSIGNEE of ASSIGNOR S /P) -insert only one secured party name (3a or 3b) <br />3a, ORGANIZATION'S NAME <br />OR Platte Valley State Bank &Trust Company <br />3b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME I MIDDLE NAME ISUFFIX <br />3c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE CUUN 1 HY <br />810 Allen Drive Grand Island NE 68803 USA <br />4. This FINANCING STATEMENT covers the following collateral: All of the following which Debtor owns now Or in the future, together with all parts, <br />accessories, repairs, replacements, improvements, and accessions, and wherever located: INVENTORY: All inventory held for <br />ultimate sale or lease, or which has been or will be supplied under contracts of service, or which are raw materials, work in <br />process, or materials used or consumed in Debtor's business. EQUIPMENT: All equipment including, but not limited to, <br />machinery, vehicles, furniture, fixtures, manufacturing equipment, farm machinery and equipment, shop equipment, office and <br />record keeping equipment, parts, and tools. The property includes any equipment described in a list or schedule Debtor gives to <br />Secured Party, but such a list is not necessary to create or perfect a valid security interest in all of Debtor's equipment. <br />ACCOUNTS AND OTHER RIGHTS TO PAYMENT: All rights to payments, whether or not earned by performance, including, <br />but not limited to, payment for property or services sold, leased, rented, licensed, or assigned. This includes any rights and <br />interests (including all liens) which Debtor may have by law or agreement against any account debtor or obligor of Debtor. <br />GENERAL INTANGIBLES: All general intangibles including, but not limited to, tax refunds, patents(CONTINUED) <br />5. ALTERNATIVE DESIGNATION [if applicable]: ❑ LESSEE /LESSOR ❑ CONSIGNEE /CONSIGNOR ❑ BAILEE /BAILOR ❑ SELLER /BUYER ❑ AG. LIEN ❑ NON -UCC FILING <br />6. This FINANCING STATEMENT is to be filed (for record] (or recorded) in the REAL .Check to REQUEST SEARCH REPORT S) on Debtor(s)❑ All Debtors ❑ Debtor 1 ❑ Debtor 2 <br />Ex ESTATE RECORDS. Attach Addendum 1:5 applicablel [ADDITIONAL FEEL o tionel] <br />Bankers Systems, Inc., St, Cloud, MN Form UCC -1 -LAZ 5/3012001 <br />SECURED PARTY COPY — NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT (FORM UCC1) (REV. 07/29/98) <br />a <br />cn <br />.. <br />`- <br />ry � <br />n n a <br />7 <br />-� , <br />LANCING STATEMENT <br />n <br />0 <br />I <br />' <br />cri <br />CrI � 3TRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY <br />f <br />PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional] <br />i1 <br />=3 <br />C77 <br />r <br />CKNOWLEDGM N Name and Address) <br />[– A <br />jStat <br />.atte Valley State Bank & Trust Company, Platte <br />Val <br />to <br />Cn <br />ank & Trust Company <br />223 Second Ave <br />-- Kearney, Nebraska 68848 -0430 <br />J <br />�ey, <br />THE ABOVE SPACE <br />IS FOR <br />FILING OFFICE <br />USE ONLY <br />, <br />1. DEBTORS EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME - insert only one debtor name (1a or 1b) - do not abbreviate or combine names <br />1 a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME <br />OR <br />1b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME <br />FIRST NAME <br />MIDDLE NAME <br />SUFFIX <br />Cobler Jr. <br />Thomas <br />Guy <br />1c. MAILING ADDRESS <br />CITY <br />STATE <br />POSTAL CODE <br />COUNTRY <br />3404 W 13th St, Suite 115 <br />Grand Island <br />NE <br />68803 <br />USA <br />1d. TAX ID q: SSN OR EIN <br />ADD'L INFO RE lie, TYPE OF ORGANIZATION <br />if. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION <br />1g. ORGANIZATIONAL <br />ID <br />1f, if any <br />ORGANIZATION <br />❑ <br />507 -08 -1169 <br />DEBTOR I <br />I <br />NONE <br />2. ADDITIONAL DEBTORS EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME - insert only one debtor name (2a or 2b) - do not abbreviate or combine names <br />2a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME <br />OR <br />26. INDIVIDUAL'S <br />2c. MAILING ADDRESS ICITY ISTATE (POSTAL CODE ICOUNTRY <br />2d. TAX ID #: SSN OR EIN JADD'LINFORE 12e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 12f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION I2g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID #, if any <br />ORGANIZATION <br />DEBTOR ❑ NONE <br />3. SECURED PARTY'S NAME (or NAME of TOTAL ASSIGNEE of ASSIGNOR S /P) -insert only one secured party name (3a or 3b) <br />3a, ORGANIZATION'S NAME <br />OR Platte Valley State Bank &Trust Company <br />3b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME I MIDDLE NAME ISUFFIX <br />3c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE CUUN 1 HY <br />810 Allen Drive Grand Island NE 68803 USA <br />4. This FINANCING STATEMENT covers the following collateral: All of the following which Debtor owns now Or in the future, together with all parts, <br />accessories, repairs, replacements, improvements, and accessions, and wherever located: INVENTORY: All inventory held for <br />ultimate sale or lease, or which has been or will be supplied under contracts of service, or which are raw materials, work in <br />process, or materials used or consumed in Debtor's business. EQUIPMENT: All equipment including, but not limited to, <br />machinery, vehicles, furniture, fixtures, manufacturing equipment, farm machinery and equipment, shop equipment, office and <br />record keeping equipment, parts, and tools. The property includes any equipment described in a list or schedule Debtor gives to <br />Secured Party, but such a list is not necessary to create or perfect a valid security interest in all of Debtor's equipment. <br />ACCOUNTS AND OTHER RIGHTS TO PAYMENT: All rights to payments, whether or not earned by performance, including, <br />but not limited to, payment for property or services sold, leased, rented, licensed, or assigned. This includes any rights and <br />interests (including all liens) which Debtor may have by law or agreement against any account debtor or obligor of Debtor. <br />GENERAL INTANGIBLES: All general intangibles including, but not limited to, tax refunds, patents(CONTINUED) <br />5. ALTERNATIVE DESIGNATION [if applicable]: ❑ LESSEE /LESSOR ❑ CONSIGNEE /CONSIGNOR ❑ BAILEE /BAILOR ❑ SELLER /BUYER ❑ AG. LIEN ❑ NON -UCC FILING <br />6. This FINANCING STATEMENT is to be filed (for record] (or recorded) in the REAL .Check to REQUEST SEARCH REPORT S) on Debtor(s)❑ All Debtors ❑ Debtor 1 ❑ Debtor 2 <br />Ex ESTATE RECORDS. Attach Addendum 1:5 applicablel [ADDITIONAL FEEL o tionel] <br />Bankers Systems, Inc., St, Cloud, MN Form UCC -1 -LAZ 5/3012001 <br />SECURED PARTY COPY — NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT (FORM UCC1) (REV. 07/29/98) <br />