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Attachment A <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast <br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4NE1/4) of Section <br />Twelve (12), Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10) West <br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, More particularly <br />described as follows; <br />Beginning at a point of the South line of said Northeast <br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4NE1/4), said point <br />being Two Hundred Thirty -seven (237.0) Feet West of the <br />Southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the <br />Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4NE1 /4); thence Northerly along-d- <br />Line Sixty (60.0)feet West of and Parallel to the <br />Westerly Right -of -Way line of Highways 281 and 34, a <br />Distance of-Pour Hundred (400.00) feet; thence Westerly <br />Parallel to the South line of said Northeast Quarter of <br />the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4NE1 /4), a distance of two <br />Hundred Eighteen (218.0) feet.; thence Southerly Parallel <br />to said Highway Right -of --way Line a Distance of Four <br />Hundred (400.00.) Feet, to the South Line of Said <br />Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NEl /4NEl /4) ; <br />thence Easterly along said South Line of the Northeast <br />Quarter (NE1 /4NE1/4), A Distance of Two Hundred Eighteen <br />( 218 ) feet to the place of Beginning, Excepting a certain <br />tract therefrom as recorded in Warranty Deed recorded as <br />Document No. 86- 106490 in the Register of Deeds office. <br />