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LrGAL DESCRIPTION -( C1US©63.130 <br />200101437 <br />A tract of ].and c_ompr.ining a Part: of I.ntn Two (7), Three (3) and Four (4), <br />Block Twenty Three (23), Nagy's Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northeast corner of said Lot Three (3), thence <br />westerly, along and upon the north :line of said dots Three (3) and Four <br />(4), a distance of Eighty Eight (88.0) feet to the northwest corner <br />of the Twenty Two (22.0) feet of said Lot Four. (4), thence <br />southerly, parallel with the east line of said Lot Four (4), a distance <br />of Ninety (90.0) feet; thence easterly, pnral..le..l. wi-th the north line <br />of said Lot Four (to), a distance of Twenty Two (22.0) feet to a point <br />on the west line of said Lot Three (3); thence southerly, along and <br />upon the west lane of said Lot Three (3), a d.istnnce of Three and One <br />Tenth (3.1.) feet to the notithwent corner of the northerly Ninety Three <br />and One Tenth (93.1) feet: of said Lot Three (3); thence easterly, <br />parallel with the south line or said Lot Three (3), n distsnee of Sixty <br />SIx (66.0) feet to a poinl: on the cast line of said Lot Three (3); <br />thence continuing easterly, parallel, with the south line of said Lot <br />Two (2), a distance- of Nine. and Seven 'Tenths (9.7) feet to a point on <br />the west of Plum Street.; thence northwesterly along and upon the <br />west line of Plnm Street and also be.hig along and upon the are of a <br />carve to the right whose.. rndlus Is One tlimdred Twenty Five (1,25.0) <br />feet, a chord distance of Fifty Three and Seven llundredths (53.07) feet <br />to u point en td:+! east, of said Lot 'three (3); thence northerly, <br />along and tipon the west J of Plum Street and also being along and <br />upon tl ►e cant :Line of said I.ot 'I'Itree (3), a diistnnee of Forty and Nine <br />Tenths (40.9) feet: to tite point of beginning, said tract subject to <br />easements of record. <br />Dart of Lots 2 and 3, in Block 23, in Na%ys Addition to the <br />City of Grand Island, 11,411 County, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as follows: I3egi_nni ng at the Southwest corner of said <br />Lot. 3; thence running Easterly along and upon the Southerly <br />line of said mots 2 and 3, a distance of 94.19 .feet to a point <br />can the Westerly line of Plum Street; thence deflecting left <br />1210 05' and running Northwesterly along and upon the Westerly <br />line of Plum Street, a distance of 31.24 feet; thence <br />continuing Northwesterly alonq and upon the arc of a circle <br />whose radius i_r4 3.25.0 feet (also the Westerly line of Plum <br />Street) a distance of 14.3. feet; thence Westerly along and upon <br />a line 38.9 feat Northerly and parallel to the Southerly line <br />of said hots 2 and 3, a distance of '75.'7 feet, try the West line <br />of said Lot 3; thence Southerly along and upon the Westerly <br />line of said Lot 3, a d.i. stance of 38.9 feet to the place of <br />beginning. <br />10 <br />c <br />x <br />i <br />c� <br />w <br />a <br />