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BOO WGIMar Exhibit A <br />Legal Descri tion <br />A tract of land caaaprising a paft of trae Northeast Quartet <br />Of tht Rottheaat Quart cc` (11El /4, MCl/4) of sgetion <br />Thirty -six (36) Township Ten 110) North, teange k3f. <br />,V11n (111 <br />West of the 6th p-H, in hall County, Rebcasku, asote <br />pacticularLy described as foilowsr Beginning at a poiakt on <br />the North Liner of said Section T(ritty -six 1346), said point <br />b*Ing Tatty -two and Ono' Tenth (42.11 feet want of the <br />NOC- theast corner of said Section Thirty -six (36)4 thence <br />running SouthwentACly *Long a line .focaning an angle of 4'9 <br />4V45* with said section Line, and along tote Nocthwesttrly <br />highway tight -of -any lists, at distance of one Thousand <br />racty -Six and roar Tenths (1.048.4[ feet, to a point of <br />curvoturet thence southwtsteciy along the rhos of a curer to <br />the right whose callus is 118,51 Peet (initial tangent of <br />which► coitrcides. with the last, desctlbtd coucsel, a distance <br />at Three Hundred Ditty and Two Tenths 05O.Z) fret. thence <br />40attinuing.Southwez4arly along the final tangent of itlrt ,last . <br />described curve, clad can said clght -cf -way line, a distance <br />Of Two Hundred Sixty t"ive and r~ifty -rive ilundrtdwths (765.551 <br />tent to thr Nest lilit.ot said 491 /4;, "El/4, a distancc of <br />One Thousand One hundred one and Twoi%ty -rouc Ituridredths <br />(l,1g1.24) feet to tide Northwest corettr of said lat:l /4, 14C <br />1/41 tiroenc%r Vastecly along tilt Macth line of said Sect on <br />rn <br />Thicty -Six (161, a distaet of Crate Thousand Two ltundre <br />Faacty- ",Thos and Ninety Two (lundtedt(ia (1,24],921 ftet to ,the <br />Place at beginning ° <br />All of the aiAoVal describad land being the aateo as €allover <br />I.CC.1e. tiF.scillittlie <br />A tract of hand comprialog a part or the Partbeant 4aarter or the Nartltea*4 quarter Owl <br />Kt!) of soctiulr Tuirty .six (36). 'Tuwoarrrlp Toe (10) North. Naeitae Uavas (11) Want at the <br />6th P. K.. ld pall t:aauetr. Ncbtaeka. 404 acre particularly "Scribed as Celluwwt " <br />laainning at A polnt oa4 tine worth line of said Section ThI rty Six (36), amid ,paint <br />beiwe forty 0" and Two "lewr,Mw (43.2) Utt echo of the JePrtb"dc "trrrrrsrc Of auald. <br />$044404 1wrty aid (24)4 tltoose 4.40' 13, 7,6, y along. And upon tlaa nertleeeaterly <br />hlteway rluhr of way 114e a aljaeeawen of One Thawed: Yorty Sit mad Year Tenths <br />(1.046.4) fact to a Iksint. of curvatiora: threat aeertlortowly Along the are of A Bourse <br />to the flaht w4wuwe radluw la 246.94 iett (initiel Consent of rdlich esL0914e0 with <br />LIM lhAt daacrtbeai cowWaa)r a diettAwes Or Three UuOdlred llftlr and Two Teacks OU.2) <br />fast (loft chard 346.74' -long rAwd Irwtatrift s 54 11' 12.5'"'it)( Utence eowtimillA6 <br />aroughowntarly (S 4614 tli' 31" t4) 44*" mod up" the fix^& tougan4 of the $eat <br />daeerlbad curve and on mold rlofh of w*y live a dl.ntrsauce at Tva Quadesd sllrt7 f"ltre <br />"d rrsarty Four ou"4redcis (20.40/feet to a pelaAC oar am most Use of said Northerere <br />*Let!ter of the Itars4atwwr Quartet (NBi) WA); Wets it Or 06' W tl anti <br />rive weast Iles of aafrL Naechionot *Hamer of ties rWmAat *quarter (iI NLl]. a <br />diaeaece of fiche Thoossarw OAe Umont red Goe and wrey Might n umdredahm (l904.30 foes <br />to Wt narthwwt canner of acid Northeast ChOrSOT of Ith* lbethaaet: quarter (lam XU)t <br />4304acot N gel• 00" Om~ 9 ,Ala►oR anal la"o the nadrt4 Bois at 0"4 flatand Tit"My Sift 006 <br />a dietanes of Ooof Thaeened Tyra Modred forty "Thirst 4144 $M11ty l<lrrs LiterAtldstts <br />(1.243..75) rest to the peloit of basianift <br />0=1 Thal " beaArl F are 'retatlwa is tie aatrele 11116 of flea l4ottlreeat 4morte'r ad <br />Cite Northeast quarter (NO gal) which vox salmossni 49 li "' 00' 04" & <br />[[ NYCORP :2517298v2:4417A:06/24/05- -01:10 p]] <br />