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v� <br />c=2-0 0s0 6 /DA> <br />IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />ALLEN RAY GARTON and SHEILA <br />A. GARTON, Husband and Wife, <br />©V� <br />JOHNSON LAND CO., A <br />Corporation, <br />Plaintiffs, <br />Defendants. <br />Case No. 74 -189 <br />n P n V P <br />FILED <br />AUG 871981 <br />DUANE D. HENN <br />CLERK (? OmSTMCT Coon <br />i N N w w w�_ <br />This matter came on to be heard by the Court on May 13, 1981. <br />The plaintiffs were present with their attorney, John B. McDermott, and <br />defendant was present with it's Counsel, Mr. William Riley. Both parties <br />presented evidence to the Court, and the Courttook the matter under advisement <br />pending a view of the premises and submission of briefs by the parties. <br />Now on this 2Yth day of August, 1981, the Court being fully ad- <br />vised in the premises finds generally in favor of the plaintiffs, and <br />specifically finds that plaintiffs are entitled to have a tract of land legally <br />known as: <br />Part of a tract of land comprising a part of the West <br />Half (Wlx) of the Northwest Quarter (NW'k) of Section Seven- <br />teen (17), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), <br />West of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the West .line of said Section <br />Seventeen (17), said point being 712.6 feet North <br />of the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter <br />(NWT) of said Section Seventeen (17); thence Northerly <br />along the west line of said Section Seventeen (17), a <br />distance of 356.3 feet; thence easterly parallel to the <br />south line of said Northwest Quarter (NW4) of said Section <br />Seventeen (17), a distance of 11.9 feet; thence southerly <br />a distance of 356.3 feet to a point 13.0 feet east of <br />the point of beginning; thence westerly parallel to the <br />South line of said Northwest Quarter (NW -4) of Section <br />Seventeen (17), a distance of 13.0 feet to the point of <br />Beginning, <br />quieted in them as against the defendant, and their predecessors in title, <br />and costs of the action are to be taxed to the defendant. <br />