<br />Declarants are the owners of real property in the County of Hall, State of Nebraska,
<br />which is more particularly described as:
<br />Lots One (1) through Five (5), Bellamy's First Subdivision, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska (hereinafter referred to as the 'Real Estate ")
<br />WHEREAS, Declarants desire to provide for the construction of a planned
<br />residential area consisting of single family residences and including, without limitation,
<br />open spaces and recreational facilities;
<br />WHEREAS, Declarants, at this time, include in this Declaration and impose the
<br />restrictions upon the Common Areas and Lots in the Real Estate described above.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, Declarants hereby declare that the lots in the Real Estate
<br />described above shall be held, sold, and conveyed subject to the following reservations,
<br />easements, limitations, restrictions, servitudes, covenants, conditions, charges, and liens
<br />(hereinafter collectively termed "covenants and restrictions "), which are for the purpose of
<br />protecting the value and desirability of each of the Lots in the Real Estate and which shall
<br />run with the real property and be binding on all parties having any right, title or interest in
<br />any one of the hots, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and which shall inure to the
<br />benefit of each Owner thereof.
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<br />Declarants are the owners of real property in the County of Hall, State of Nebraska,
<br />which is more particularly described as:
<br />Lots One (1) through Five (5), Bellamy's First Subdivision, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska (hereinafter referred to as the 'Real Estate ")
<br />WHEREAS, Declarants desire to provide for the construction of a planned
<br />residential area consisting of single family residences and including, without limitation,
<br />open spaces and recreational facilities;
<br />WHEREAS, Declarants, at this time, include in this Declaration and impose the
<br />restrictions upon the Common Areas and Lots in the Real Estate described above.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, Declarants hereby declare that the lots in the Real Estate
<br />described above shall be held, sold, and conveyed subject to the following reservations,
<br />easements, limitations, restrictions, servitudes, covenants, conditions, charges, and liens
<br />(hereinafter collectively termed "covenants and restrictions "), which are for the purpose of
<br />protecting the value and desirability of each of the Lots in the Real Estate and which shall
<br />run with the real property and be binding on all parties having any right, title or interest in
<br />any one of the hots, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and which shall inure to the
<br />benefit of each Owner thereof.
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