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200505932 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />(1) A Tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter (SE %4) of Section 35, <br />Township 10 North, Range 10 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, being more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />With reference to the Southeast corner of said SEl /4; thence running Westerly on an <br />assumed bearing of N 90° 00' 00" W on the South line of said SE1 /4 a distance of 579.00 <br />feet; thence N 90° 00' 00" E a distance of 33.00 feet; thence N 9° 36" 06" E a distance of <br />473.63 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence continuing on aforesaid line a <br />distance of 287.00 feet; thence N 90° 00' 00" E a distance of 115.00 feet; thence S 9° 36' <br />06" W a distance of 287.00 feet; thence N 90° 00' 00" W a distance of 115 feet to the <br />point of beginning, said tract containing 0.757 acres more or less and <br />(2) A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section 35, <br />Township 10 North, Range 10, West of the 6th P.M. Hall County, Nebraska, and more <br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said SE1 /4, <br />said point being 33.0 feet west of the southeast corner of said SE 1/4; thence running <br />westerly along the south line of said SE1 /4 a distance of 546 feet; thence deflecting right <br />90° 00' and running northerly a distance of 500 feet; thence running easterly and parallel <br />to the south line of said SE1/4 a distance of 546 feet; thence running southerly a distance <br />of 500 feet to the point of beginning, less the following described real property: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the SE 1/4 of Section 35, Township 10 North, Range <br />10 West of the 6th P.M. Hall County, Nebraska, being more particularly described as <br />follows: With reference to the southeast corner of said SE1/4; thence running westerly on <br />an assumed bearing of 90° 00' 00" W on the south line of said SW1 /4 a distance of 579 <br />feet thence N 00° 00' 00" E a distance of 79 feet: thence S 00° 00' 00" E distance of 467 <br />feet to the point of beginning, said tract containing 0.423 acres more or less. <br />Note: <br />The faZoici ng Exhib't A is an attachment to a Reciprocal Option <br />dated .2 a , 2004 between Sean D. Gellatly and Jacqueline R. Gellatly, <br />husband an wife; Back -Bar Farm Co. of Nebraska, a Nebraska Corporation; and the <br />shareholders of said Back -Bar Farm Co. of Nebraska. <br />Signed on & Zn ,2004. <br />Back -Bar Farm Co. of Nebraska <br />A Nebraska Corporation <br />President <br />'ecretary <br />v <br />