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200505875 <br />Rules and Regulations ( "Standards ") previously approved by Authority. The Standards as adopted, <br />and as may hereafter be amended or revised by Authority from time to time during the term of this <br />Lease, are incorporated as part of the terms and conditions of this lease agreement as if fully set <br />forth herein. Department agrees to comply with the Standards to the extent the Department is <br />permitted by law or regulation and provided that the changes in the Standards, as applicable to <br />Department, shall not interfere with the purpose of the Department entering into this Lease or with <br />the Department meeting its mission. <br />ARTICLE VI. <br />OBLIGATIONS OF THE AUTHORITY <br />Subsection 6.01 Operation as a Public Airyort. <br />The Authority covenants and agrees that at all times during the term of this Lease it will <br />operate and maintain the Field as a public airport. <br />Subsection 6.02 Ingress and Egress. <br />Upon performing the covenants of this Agreement, the Department shall have the right of <br />ingress to, and egress from, the Demised Land. Airport roadways outside of the Demised Land <br />shall be used jointly with other tenants of the airport, and the Department shall not interfere with the <br />rights and privileges of other persons or firms using said facilities and roadways. The Department <br />shall be subject to such weight and type use restrictions on the airport property outside of the <br />Demised Land as the Authority deems necessary which restrictions shall not be unreasonable. <br />ARTICLE VII. <br />AUTHORITY'S RESERVATIONS <br />Subsection 7.01 Improvement, Relocation or Removal of Structure. <br />The Authority, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to further develop or improve the <br />Field including but not limited to the aircraft operating area; to repair, maintain or replace the <br />runways, aprons, taxi -ways and appurtenances thereto and other portions of the Field, including the <br />right to remove or relocate any structure on the airport, as it deems appropriate, and to take any <br />action it considers necessary to protect the approaches of the airport against obstructions. There is <br />hereby reserved to the Authority, for the use and benefit of the public, a free and unrestricted <br />right of flight for the passage of aircraft in the airspace above the surface of the Demised Land. <br />When exercising its rights under this paragraph the Authority will not interfere with the <br />Department's use, operation, or development of the Facility. The Authority also reserves to itself, <br />its Tenants, commercial air carriers and other public and private users of the airfield the right to <br />
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