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200505832 <br />25. OWNERS, DEVELOPERS HELD HARMLESS. All lot owners and <br />occupants of Northview Subdivision acknowledge that the terrain can be potentially <br />dangerous and there shall be no liability of any kind upon the owners, subdividers or <br />homeowners association. The use of the property by any lot owner and their guest(s), <br />shall be at the sole risk of that owner and guest(s) of the owner. Other lot owners, <br />subdividers or the homeowners association shall be held harmless for any accident or <br />mishap on each lot. <br />26. BINDING AFFECT. This agreement and the faithful performance of the <br />terms thereof shall be binding upon the heirs, administrators, executors, assigns, grantees <br />and devices of the undersigned, and upon the purchaser or purchasers, or any persons, <br />real or corporate, holding under or by virtues purchasers of any lot or lots in the <br />Northview Subdivision. <br />Article III. <br />ORGANIZATION OF NORTHVIEW SUBDIVISION ASSOCIATION <br />1. OWNERS & PURPOSE. Every Owner of a Lot within the Property shall be a <br />Member of the Association. Membership shall be appurtenant to and shall not be <br />separated from ownership of any Lot. The Association shall have as its purpose the <br />promotion of the health, safety, recreation, welfare, and enjoyment of the Owners of Lots <br />within Property, including, but not limited to the following: <br />(a) The acquisition, construction, landscaping, improvement, equipment, <br />maintenance, operation, repair, upkeep and replacement of streets and easements <br />for the general use, benefit and enjoyment of the Owners, <br />(b) The promulgation, enactment, amendment and enforcement of rules and <br />regulations relating to the use and enjoyment of Property, or any portion thereof, <br />not inconsistent with this Declaration, provided always that such rules and <br />regulations are uniformly applicable to all Owners. <br />(c) The exercise, promotion, enhancement and protection of the privileges and <br />interests of the residents of Property, and the protection and maintenance of the <br />residential character of Property, <br />(d) All powers conferred upon not -for - profit corporations by the Nebraska <br />Nonprofit Corporation Act, and any amendments thereto, and all powers and <br />duties necessary and appropriate to accomplish the purposes and administer the <br />affairs of the Association not inconsistent with this Declaration. <br />2. VOTING RIGH'T'S. The Association shall have two classes of voting <br />Members, Class A Members and Class B Members, defined as follows: <br />(a) CLASS A: Class A Members shall be all Owners, with the expectation of <br />Declarant, Each Class A Member shall be entitled to one vote for each Lot owner, <br />
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