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27.7 <br />G <br />0 <br />I I <br />rA <br />N.W. CORNER WIII NW1 ,'4 <br />SECTION 14-T11N -R9W <br />FOUND'D 3 HOSTLER' ALUMINUM <br />CAP IN CONC. PAVEMENT <br />E <br />CINPL,4TTED <br />273 -14' A. -_ <br />rA <br />w¢ <br />b I <br />� I <br />°mss, <br />R <br />14 -111 -9 <br />NOTE: EXISTING STUFF, ROAD RIGHT OF WAY (27 -0'l RECORDED IN <br />DEED BOOK 30, PAGE 391, HALL COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE <br />Ri. = RECORDED DISTANCE PER DEED DOCUMENTS ANDPOR PLAT MAPS <br />R2 = RECORDED DISTANCE AM=S ANGLE ON SURVEY BY CHARLES S. BI <br />L S. NO. I92, DATED MARCH 29, tS64 <br />A = ACTUAL DISTANCE ANDJOR ANGLE <br />UNPL/4TTEO <br />❑ - LNOICATES TEMPORARY POINT PLACED <br />O - INDICATES 1,7 IRON PIPE WITH PLASTIC CAP PLACED. CAP <br />IS STAMPED "L S 55T. <br />t'+ ?„ 27 TRAILANO S.E. CORNER NW114 <br />27.7 R7.R2 � " r I FOUD (CENTER 27 OF IRON PbPE <br />tit <br />258.27"k <br />Z71 -27A �+ CITY OF GRAND ISLAND <br />� OVTFALL DITCH j <br />e b SWIFT ROAD <br />� � 114 SECT]CN EiNE mm ¢ <br />a <br />m� <br />T � <br />S.W. CORNER WV2 NW19 <br />SECTION 54-T11 N-R9W <br />FOUND "D J HOSTLER" ALUMINUM <br />CAP IN CONC- PAVEMENT <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A frach of land comprising a part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W1/2 NWi /4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township <br />Eleven (1 <br />1) North, Range Nina (9) West of the 6111 P.M., In the City of Grand Island, Nall County, Nebraska, and man parttcuharty <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at a paint of Intersection of the easterly right of way line of Stuhr Road and the northerly right of way line <br />of the City of Grand Island Ouhfoll Ditch, said point Wing Twenty Seven (27.0) feet east of (measured perpendicular to) <br />the west fine of sold West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W7 /2 NW1 14), and Sixty Six (66.0) feet north of (measured <br />perpendicular to) the south line of said West Haff of the Northwest Quarter (W1/2 NW1 14); thence running northerly, along <br />and upon the easterly right of way line of Stuhr Road, sold easterly right of way line being Twenty Seven (27.0) feet east <br />of (measured perpendicular to) the west line of said West Half of the Northwest Ouarter (WI/2 NW1 /4), a distance of <br />Five Hundred Nina and Ninety Eight Hundredths (509.98) feet; thence deflecting rig hi WO537" and running easterly, <br />paraltet with the =tit line of said West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W1 /2 NW1 /4), a distance of Two Hundred Seventy <br />Three and Fourteen Hundredths (273.14) feet; thence deflecting right 90'06'59" and running southerly, a distance of Five <br />Hundred Nine and Ninety Eight Hundredths (509.95) feet to a point on the noriherty right of way Ifne of sold City Outfatl <br />Ditch, safd point being Sixty SIx (66.0) feet north of (measured peTanndicular 1o) the south line of said West Half of the <br />Northwest Quarter (W1 /2 NW7 /4); thence deflecting right 89'53'01 d running westerly, along and upon the northerly <br />right of way line of said City Outfall Ditch, sold northerly right of way being Sixty Six (66.0) fed north of (measured <br />perpendicular to) fhe south line of said West Half of the Northwest Quarter (Wt/2 NW1 /4), a distance of Two Hundred <br />Seventy One and Twenty Seven Hundredths (271.27) fed la the point of bayfnntng and containing 3.187 acres, more or less. <br />DEDICATION <br />KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, Margaret A. Mayer n /k /a Margaret A. Nienhuaser and Kenneth Nlenhueser, <br />wife and husband, being the owners of the land described hereon, have caused same to be surveyed, subdivided, platted and <br />designated as "V k C SUBDMSION" In the City of Grand Island. Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat thereof, and <br />do hereby dedicate the street as shown themon to the public for their use forever, and the easements, if any, for the location. <br />construction and mainisnance of public service utilities forever, together with the right of Ingress and egress thereto, and hereby <br />prohlbH4ng the painting of frees. bushes and shrubs, or placing other obstructions upon, over, along or underneath the surface <br />of such aaesments, and that the foregoing subdivision as mom particularly described In the description hereon as appears on <br />this pkrf, Is made with the ins consent and in accordance with the desires of the undersigned owners and proprlefors. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have affixed our signatures hereto at 6raad W's /a. d AJc6r,-t SIC1 <br />thls eR &." day of ma 2005. <br />M rga ref —il MeyTir n /k /a Margaret A Hlanhuaser Kenneth Hfanhuesar <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />State of Nebraska <br />as <br />County of Hail <br />On the 06th day of 2005, before me, >'v l4 r: f Yn r't• �aus H- ='a rl <br />a Notary Public within and far said Courrfy, personally appeared Margaret A. Meyer n/k /a Margaret A Nienhusser and Kenneth <br />Nienhusser, wife and husband, to me personalty known to be the identical persons whose signatures an affixed hereto, and <br />they did acknowledge the execution thereof to be her and his voluntary act and deed. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto subscrrbed my name and affixed my ofrtciai seal at 6� ,,( zs /o.rd <br />Ne 1ZTM1 on the date lost above written. <br />LM.yy commission expfres <br />Netdry Pulilit. (y-E ] meta rmAer.saer *yen, <br />MPAILYN A PRI,'gry\y <br />Aao,e Bn errAaa <br />APPRMALS <br />Submitted to and approved by the Regionel Planning Commission of Hall County, Grand Island and Wood River, <br />and the lllogos of AJda, Calm and Ooniphon, Nebraska. <br />C onl (, I r /off <br />Chairman Date <br />Approved and accepted by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this _>= `day ,� of nr�LA-1 . <br />r ay9 <br />City Clerk s ;`'�POnar <br />:i OFC 14, IB11- = , <br />SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ` � pP <br />1 hereby certify that on -:0 F2"- ICp 2005, 1 completed an accurnfe, surrey (made under my super0slon) <br />Of "V k C SUBDIVISION" in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat thereof; that the loft, <br />blocks, streets, ove nun, of", parks, commons and other grounds as eonfoined In said subdivision as shown on the accompanying <br />plot thereof, are well and accurately staked off and marked, that iron markers were placed at all comers as shown on the <br />plat; that each lot bears Its own number; and 1hot sold survey was made with reference to known and recorded monuments. <br />/ E,aRAa <br />ifq�y <br />Lee 0. Wagner, Registered Land Surve Ha. 7 <br />' �r� ( E <br />�f�• w,+G <br />V & C SUBDIVISION <br />IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />BENJAMIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. - ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS - GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />° <br />rn <br />r <br />3 cn <br />t N <br />H Z <br />SHEET 1 OF 1 <br />260.16 A. i <br />i <br />13.7 A <br />1 <br />C 1 <br />1 <br />o <br />�3 L <br />LOT 1 r <br />r <br />-`z 1 <br />[a u <br />ur <br />°mss, <br />R <br />14 -111 -9 <br />NOTE: EXISTING STUFF, ROAD RIGHT OF WAY (27 -0'l RECORDED IN <br />DEED BOOK 30, PAGE 391, HALL COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE <br />Ri. = RECORDED DISTANCE PER DEED DOCUMENTS ANDPOR PLAT MAPS <br />R2 = RECORDED DISTANCE AM=S ANGLE ON SURVEY BY CHARLES S. BI <br />L S. NO. I92, DATED MARCH 29, tS64 <br />A = ACTUAL DISTANCE ANDJOR ANGLE <br />UNPL/4TTEO <br />❑ - LNOICATES TEMPORARY POINT PLACED <br />O - INDICATES 1,7 IRON PIPE WITH PLASTIC CAP PLACED. CAP <br />IS STAMPED "L S 55T. <br />t'+ ?„ 27 TRAILANO S.E. CORNER NW114 <br />27.7 R7.R2 � " r I FOUD (CENTER 27 OF IRON PbPE <br />tit <br />258.27"k <br />Z71 -27A �+ CITY OF GRAND ISLAND <br />� OVTFALL DITCH j <br />e b SWIFT ROAD <br />� � 114 SECT]CN EiNE mm ¢ <br />a <br />m� <br />T � <br />S.W. CORNER WV2 NW19 <br />SECTION 54-T11 N-R9W <br />FOUND "D J HOSTLER" ALUMINUM <br />CAP IN CONC- PAVEMENT <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A frach of land comprising a part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W1/2 NWi /4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township <br />Eleven (1 <br />1) North, Range Nina (9) West of the 6111 P.M., In the City of Grand Island, Nall County, Nebraska, and man parttcuharty <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at a paint of Intersection of the easterly right of way line of Stuhr Road and the northerly right of way line <br />of the City of Grand Island Ouhfoll Ditch, said point Wing Twenty Seven (27.0) feet east of (measured perpendicular to) <br />the west fine of sold West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W7 /2 NW1 14), and Sixty Six (66.0) feet north of (measured <br />perpendicular to) the south line of said West Haff of the Northwest Quarter (W1/2 NW1 14); thence running northerly, along <br />and upon the easterly right of way line of Stuhr Road, sold easterly right of way line being Twenty Seven (27.0) feet east <br />of (measured perpendicular to) the west line of said West Half of the Northwest Ouarter (WI/2 NW1 /4), a distance of <br />Five Hundred Nina and Ninety Eight Hundredths (509.98) feet; thence deflecting rig hi WO537" and running easterly, <br />paraltet with the =tit line of said West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W1 /2 NW1 /4), a distance of Two Hundred Seventy <br />Three and Fourteen Hundredths (273.14) feet; thence deflecting right 90'06'59" and running southerly, a distance of Five <br />Hundred Nine and Ninety Eight Hundredths (509.95) feet to a point on the noriherty right of way Ifne of sold City Outfatl <br />Ditch, safd point being Sixty SIx (66.0) feet north of (measured peTanndicular 1o) the south line of said West Half of the <br />Northwest Quarter (W1 /2 NW7 /4); thence deflecting right 89'53'01 d running westerly, along and upon the northerly <br />right of way line of said City Outfall Ditch, sold northerly right of way being Sixty Six (66.0) fed north of (measured <br />perpendicular to) fhe south line of said West Half of the Northwest Quarter (Wt/2 NW1 /4), a distance of Two Hundred <br />Seventy One and Twenty Seven Hundredths (271.27) fed la the point of bayfnntng and containing 3.187 acres, more or less. <br />DEDICATION <br />KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, Margaret A. Mayer n /k /a Margaret A. Nienhuaser and Kenneth Nlenhueser, <br />wife and husband, being the owners of the land described hereon, have caused same to be surveyed, subdivided, platted and <br />designated as "V k C SUBDMSION" In the City of Grand Island. Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat thereof, and <br />do hereby dedicate the street as shown themon to the public for their use forever, and the easements, if any, for the location. <br />construction and mainisnance of public service utilities forever, together with the right of Ingress and egress thereto, and hereby <br />prohlbH4ng the painting of frees. bushes and shrubs, or placing other obstructions upon, over, along or underneath the surface <br />of such aaesments, and that the foregoing subdivision as mom particularly described In the description hereon as appears on <br />this pkrf, Is made with the ins consent and in accordance with the desires of the undersigned owners and proprlefors. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have affixed our signatures hereto at 6raad W's /a. d AJc6r,-t SIC1 <br />thls eR &." day of ma 2005. <br />M rga ref —il MeyTir n /k /a Margaret A Hlanhuaser Kenneth Hfanhuesar <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />State of Nebraska <br />as <br />County of Hail <br />On the 06th day of 2005, before me, >'v l4 r: f Yn r't• �aus H- ='a rl <br />a Notary Public within and far said Courrfy, personally appeared Margaret A. Meyer n/k /a Margaret A Nienhusser and Kenneth <br />Nienhusser, wife and husband, to me personalty known to be the identical persons whose signatures an affixed hereto, and <br />they did acknowledge the execution thereof to be her and his voluntary act and deed. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto subscrrbed my name and affixed my ofrtciai seal at 6� ,,( zs /o.rd <br />Ne 1ZTM1 on the date lost above written. <br />LM.yy commission expfres <br />Netdry Pulilit. (y-E ] meta rmAer.saer *yen, <br />MPAILYN A PRI,'gry\y <br />Aao,e Bn errAaa <br />APPRMALS <br />Submitted to and approved by the Regionel Planning Commission of Hall County, Grand Island and Wood River, <br />and the lllogos of AJda, Calm and Ooniphon, Nebraska. <br />C onl (, I r /off <br />Chairman Date <br />Approved and accepted by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this _>= `day ,� of nr�LA-1 . <br />r ay9 <br />City Clerk s ;`'�POnar <br />:i OFC 14, IB11- = , <br />SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ` � pP <br />1 hereby certify that on -:0 F2"- ICp 2005, 1 completed an accurnfe, surrey (made under my super0slon) <br />Of "V k C SUBDIVISION" in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat thereof; that the loft, <br />blocks, streets, ove nun, of", parks, commons and other grounds as eonfoined In said subdivision as shown on the accompanying <br />plot thereof, are well and accurately staked off and marked, that iron markers were placed at all comers as shown on the <br />plat; that each lot bears Its own number; and 1hot sold survey was made with reference to known and recorded monuments. <br />/ E,aRAa <br />ifq�y <br />Lee 0. Wagner, Registered Land Surve Ha. 7 <br />' �r� ( E <br />�f�• w,+G <br />V & C SUBDIVISION <br />IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />BENJAMIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. - ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS - GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />° <br />rn <br />r <br />3 cn <br />t N <br />H Z <br />SHEET 1 OF 1 <br />SHEET 1 OF 1 <br />