<br />This deed given to correct that certain deed dated December 27, 2005 and recorded as
<br />Instrument No. 0200501027 between the same parties that erroneously deeded to entire
<br />interest to the Grantee rather than the intended 1 /10`' interest.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above - described premises, together with all and singular the
<br />rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, and together with all right, title and
<br />interest, if any, of Vendor in and to any land lying in any street, road, access way, or
<br />easement, open or proposed, in front of, at the side of, or adjoining, or within the Subject Real
<br />Property, in and to all minerals lying in, on and under the Subject Real Property, in and to all
<br />leases, rental agreements, and contracts relating to the use, operation, or enjoyment of the
<br />Subject Real Property, all reversionary rights attributable to the Subject Real Property, in and
<br />to all rights of ingress and egress to the Subject Real Property by way of open or dedicated
<br />roads and streets adjoining the Subject Real Property, and in and to any unpaid award for
<br />damage to the Subject Real Property by reason of change of grade on any street, road or
<br />highway, unto the said Vendee, and unto Vendee's successors and assigns forever; and Vendor
<br />does hereby bind Vendor's successors and assigns to WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND
<br />all and singular the said premises unto the said Vendee, and unto Vendee's successors and
<br />assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part
<br />thereof.
<br />EXECUTED this day of December 2004.
<br />TREE HOUSES, INC., A Nebraska Corporation,
<br />By: � J_ A ,
<br />David A. Jacox, President
<br />ss
<br />Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared David A. Jacox,
<br />President TREE HOUSES, INC., a Nebraska corporation, known to me to be the person
<br />whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he
<br />executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein
<br />stated, and as the act and deed of TREE HOUSES, INC.
<br />Given under my hand and seal of office on this c>? Mday of December 2004.
<br />yug l x4a',
<br />GL-NffiL �� �, 0 TM � Notary Public
<br />My Comm. E, Oct 2, 2005
<br />