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200505'769 <br />Notice of Lien; Hall County <br />This lien is placed on the property located at 2605 and 2611 West Forrest Street, Grand <br />Island, Nebraska. The property is owned by Suzanne F. Swanson. <br />The legal description of said property is listed as follows: An <br />min Lot 1, Block 10, University Place , an Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The amount of the lien is $67,000. The lien is held by Eugene A. Swanson (Gene <br />Swanson). The lien holder's address is HC 81, Box 40E, Burwell, Nebraska, 68823 <br />This lien shall remain in effect until the full amount if paid to the lien holder unless <br />otherwise released by lien holder or upon the death of the lien holder. <br />Said lien is held solely by Gene Swanson. It will be excluded from any joint property <br />that would be held in common in the event that Gene would remarry. This is in <br />compliance with prenuptial stipulation held in estate(s) by Gene and Darlene Swanson. <br />a `` 1-r <br />SignatA by lien holder Date of signature <br />91-Ignat-tui of property owner Date of signature <br />Notary signatLke �T Date signed <br />GENERAL N07ARY - 5tite of .- . ..._.... <br />to of Nebraska <br />STACEY A. RUZICKA <br />MY Comm. EXP. May 10, 2007 <br />