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1 - 110 -11 <br />220.3T A. <br />a <br />0 8 <br />s LOT 1 <br />S.W. CORNER SE114 <br />SECTION 1- T1iR4-911 W <br />FOUND U.S-B LM. BRASS CAP <br />CAF IN ASPH. PAVEMENT <br />•-J� -- - - - - -' j <br />i V[rILDWUOD DRIVE <br />R.. RECORDED DISTANCE ON PEAT OF JMW SUBDIVfSICN <br />A. = ACTUAL DISTANCE AND/OR ANGLE <br />0 - INDICATES 12' IRON PIPE WITH PLASTIC CAP PLACED. CAP IS <br />STAMPED t S ssr. <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />ATE FOR <br />1 RIGHT C <br />2137-1)'A <br />287.0' A. <br />2,642.25 R&.4. <br />DEDICATION <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, Gregory D. Gawecke, Trustee of the GREGORY D. GEWECKE LPANG REVOCABLE <br />TRUST, and Jeanine R. Gewecke, Trustee of the JEANINE R. GEWECKE LIVING REVOCABLE TRUST, being the owners of the land <br />4 described hereon, <br />n, ha caused same to be surveyed, subdivided, plotted and designated as 'GJO SUBDIVISION', Hon County, <br />Nebraska, as shown an the accompanying plat thereof, and do herby dedicate it. street as shown thereon to the public <br />C for their use f—, and 4he easements, if any, for the location. construction and maintenance of pubnc service uffitfles <br />forever, together with the righf of ingress and .gross thereto, and hereby pmhibling the plentfng of tress, bushes and shrubs, <br />w� E or placing abler obst— l— upon, over, along or und.rreath the surface of such easemenh, and that the foregoing subdivision <br />M mom particularly deserlbed In the description henan as appeom on this Pfaff, Is made with the free consent and in aceardonu <br />.. -H% the desfres of the undersigned owner and proprietors. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have affixed our signatures herein at 6 r., k4- 7 S /o»d Nebraska, this <br />/a r day of Su t 2005- n }{ <br />'ri nkti^ J{�.C/ " �..Ja�a l f . .,. A. � .� 1 <br />regory D. Gewecke, .Canine R. wecke, <br />Trustee of the GREGORY O. GEWECKE UIVING REVOCABLE TRUST Trustee of the JEANINE R. GEWECKE LIVING REVOCABLE TRUST <br />DOd <br />DO <br />d �F3°0f'8,g'q, <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />State of Nebraska <br />qsel <br />- 167,070. <br />i <br />S.E. CORNER SE1M <br />SECTION 1 -T1 ON-R! 1 W <br />FOUND U.SA -LM. BRASS CAP <br />CAP IN ASPH. PAVEMENT <br />A froof of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section One (i), Township Ten (10) North, Range Eleven <br />(11) West of the Sth P.N., HaH County, Nebraska, and more particularly descrlbed as follows: <br />Beginning at a point an the south l €ne of sold Southeast Quarter (SET /4), sold point Wing Four Hundred Sixty One (461.0) <br />feet west of the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4); thence running westerly, along and upon the south <br />nne of sold Southeast Quarter (SE4 /4), a distance of Two Hundred Eighty Sewn (287.0) feet; thence defleaiing right <br />9O'GO'00' and running northerly, a distance of Flea Hundred Six (508.0) feat; thence deflecting right 90'00'00' and <br />running easterl ., ParalW with the south Itne of said Southeast Quarter a dWonce of Two Hundred Twenty and <br />Thirty Sewn Hundredth. (220.37) feet; thence defleotin right 76'58'27 and running southeasterly, a distance of Two <br />Hundred Ninety FT" and Sely One Hundredths (295.813 feet; thence deflecting right 13'01'33" and rennin saufheriy, <br />perpendicular to the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SET /4), a distance of Two Hundrsd EFghtaen 218.0) feet <br />to the point of beginning and containing 3.114 acres, more or less. <br />SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE <br />I hereby certify Live} on -.Tun i 2005, 1 completed an accurate survey (made under my supervision) <br />of 'GIG SUBOIVi510N', Haii County Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying pia! }hereof; that the Iota, blacks, streets, <br />avenues, alleys, parks, commons and other grounds as contained In sold subdNfolon as shown on the accompanying piat thereof, <br />are welt and accurately staked off and marked; that Iron markers were placed of all comsrs as shown on the pion that each <br />lot bean Its awn number, and that said survey was made with reference to known and recorded monuments. <br />ss <br />County of Hail Ala On th. /9t say of J u AC 2005, before me m'lg tT A. log ra S4'.'4 2 <br />within a Notary Public win and for mid County, personally appeared Gregory D. Gewecke, Trust" of the GREGORY D. GEWECKE WING <br />REVOCABLE TRUST and Jeanine R. Gewscke, Trustee of the JEANINE R. GEWECKE LJVNIG REVOCABLE TRUST, to me personally known to <br />be the idardiaai persons whose signoiuns are affixed hereto, and they did acknowledge the executtan thereof to be his and <br />her voluntary act and deed. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my mama and affixed my official seai of�rS(eea, <br />Nebraska, on the date last above written. <br />My commission expires mssr -. ZOOg <br />Notary Put& SEE. )run -x '�ws <br />M' Otne, rR ey 9, ms <br />APPROVALS <br />Submitted to and approved by the Regional Planning Commission of Hall County, Grand Island and Wood River. and the <br />Villages of Aida, trio and Doniphon. Nebraska. <br />N 'Y- o61o1105- <br />Chairman Date <br />Approved and accepted by "M HHan County Board of Supervisors, this /�/ /day off/ <br />2005. <br />L <br />Chairman of }he rd Coe Ge ' <br />)PF% K <br />VWAGO 0. Wagner, Rglatered Land Su 557 <br />Y 1e.r <br />Z <br />O <br />GJG SUBDIVISION <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />20050 5741 »shams & ASSOCIATES, INC. - ENG24EERS & SURVFYORS - GRAND LAND, NEBRASKA SHEET 1 GF 1 <br />