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f <br />I <br />When recorded mail to: <br />Nationwide Title Clearing <br />2100 Alt. 19 North <br />Palm Harbor, FL 34683 <br />2005057,4Z� <br />Loan No W150R 3859374 8445524948 SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE <br />Whereas, PATRICIA A LOWERY Executed a Deed of Trust dated 05/30/2002 , in favor of 'TICOR TITLE <br />INSURANCE COMPANY as Trustee, and said Deed of Trust was given to secure an indebtedness in <br />favor of MAJOR MORTGAGE, A WYOMING CORPORATION as Beneficiary, and said Deed of 'Trust was <br />recorded 05/30/2002 as Document No. 0200205778 , Book Page of Official Records of HALL <br />County, State of Nebraska; <br />LOT EIGHTEEN (18), IN BLOCK TWO (2), OF NORMANDY ESTATES, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />and whereas, the undersigned Beneficiary desires to substitute a new Trustee as Trustee instead <br />of the said original Trustee, and said original trustee has been notified by mail. Therefore, <br />the undersigned, as present Beneficiary, hereby substitutes CHARLES V. SEDERS'TROM, JR. as 'T'rustee <br />( "Substitute Trustee ") under said Deed of Trust. Date: 06/07/2005 <br />WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA <br />BY: as Current Beneficiary <br />CRYSTAL MOORE ASST. VICE PRESIDENT <br />STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS <br />On 06/07/2005 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State <br />personally appeared CRYSTAL MOORE of WASHING'T'ON MUTUAL BANK, FA personally known to me (or <br />proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose names is subscribed to <br />the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she executed the same in his /her authorized <br />capacity, and that by his /her signature on the instrument the person, or entity upon behalf of <br />which t cted, executed the instrument. <br />MARY JO MCGMAN - - <br />Notary Public State of Florkfa <br />MARY JJOMCGOWAN #DD0236404) MyCommiss10nt`x .July 30. 2007 <br />Notarbli onunission expires 07/30/2007 • SGrMadtglrOp9 432-4Y54 <br />Inc. <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />whereas, PATRICIA A LOWERY Executed a Deed of Trust dated 05/30/2002 , in favor of TICOR TITLE <br />INSURANCE COMPANY as Trustee, and said Deed of Trust was given to secure an indebtedness in <br />favor of MAJOR MORTGAGE, A WYOMING CORPORATION as Beneficiary, and said Deed of Trust was <br />recorded 05/30/2002 as Document No. 0200205778 , Book Page of Official Records of HALL <br />County, State of Nebraska; Substitute 'T'rustee, as Trustee, does hereby grant, remise, <br />release and reconvey to the person or persons legally entitled thereto, all the estate and <br />interest derived to it by or through said Deed of Trust, in the described premise above, together <br />with the appurtenances. <br />Date: _ / 7 - -d a <br />as Substitute Trustee <br />•CHARLES V. SEDERST_ROM, .JAR`. <br />S'1'A /T�; OF NEBRA� COUNTY ^OFz. L' <br />On tC� / 7. S before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State <br />personally appeared CHARLES V. SEDERSTROM, JR. (as Substitute Trustee) personally known to me (or <br />proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to <br />the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized <br />capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or entity upon behalf of which <br />the Pgrs n acted, executed the instrument 4 <br />!! ii GENERAL NOTARY State of Notraska <br />c L AL K. WID5TRC)M <br />My Comm, EXP. Sept. 13, 2007 <br />Notary Public /Commission expires <br />111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 W15OR 3859374 CJ442847 <br />forml /RCNNEI <br />