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200505050 <br />Outlot B Uses on Outlot B shall be limited to drainage, open space, utilities, and <br />landscaping that does not impact the ability of the outlot to function for stormwater drainage. <br />Outlot D Shall be reserved for future development. This property may be used for <br />agricultural purposes limited to crop production and or grazing of livestock. Additional development <br />shall occur on outlot D until such time the Hall County Board of Supervisors approves further phases <br />of the BELLAMY'S FIRST SUBDIVISION <br />11. Flood Plain Since the subdivision is within a flood plain as delineated the best <br />information available from the Nebraska Department ofNatural Resources, all structures constructed <br />shall have the lowest floor elevation to a minimum of one foot above the elevation of the 100 -year <br />flood as determined by the building permit received by the Subdivider or successors from the County <br />Building Department. No basement shall be constructed in connection with any structure in the <br />flood plain unless such basement is floodproofed and certified as such by a qualified engineer or <br />architect. <br />12. Engineering Data. All final engineering plans and specifications for public <br />improvements shall bear the signature and seal of a registered professional engineer and shall be <br />furnished by the Subdivider to the Department of Public Works for approval prior to contracting for <br />construction of any improvements. Inspections of public improvements under construction shall be <br />performed under the supervision of a professional registered engineer and upon completion shall be <br />subject to inspection and approval by the Department of Public Works prior to acceptance by the <br />County of Hall. An "as built" set of plans and specifications including required test results bearing <br />-4- <br />