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GAS UTILITY EASEMENT <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />That JAMES H. TRUELL and KARLA J. ANDREASEN / Husband and Wife Grantors <br />of the County of Hall , the State of Nebraska for and <br />in consideration of the sum of one Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is <br />hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, remise, convey and relinquish unto Northwestern Corporation, a Delaware <br />Corporation, d /bla Northwestern Energy„ Grantee, of Huron, South Dakota, its successors or assigns, a gas utility <br />easement, for the installation, maintenance and operation of a natural gas pipeline along with all appurtenances <br />thereto over, under, upon and through the following described lands situated in the County of Hall <br />the State of Nebraska , to wit: <br />The East Ten feet (10') of Lot Two (2) of Zana Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, a part of <br />the Southeast Quarter (SE.1 /4) of Section Twenty -one (S21), Township Eleven North (T.11 N.), <br />Range Nine West (R.9 N.) of the Sixth (6th) Principal Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />(The purpose of the above described easement is for a natural gas pipeline along with all <br />appurtenances thereto) <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto said NORTHWESTERN CORPORATION, its successors and assigns, so <br />long as such natural gas pipeline along with all appurtenances thereto shall be maintained and operated, together <br />with the right of ingress and egress from said premises for the purpose of surveying, constructing, installing, <br />inspecting, repairing, maintaining, renewing and replacing the property of the Grantee located thereon, or removed <br />thereof, in whole or in part, at the will of the Grantee. <br />The Grantors further covenants for themselves, their heirs, lessees, successors, or assigns, that the <br />Grantee, its lessees, successors or assigns shall at all times have the right to cut and remove or trim all trees, <br />bushes and saplings growing upon said lands above described, or extending over same, so far as may be <br />reasonably necessary for the construction, reconstruction, operation, repair, and maintenance of said natural gas <br />pipeline, and shall have the right of access and entry to and upon said above described lands for such purposes. <br />M <br />-^ <br />= <br />n <br />Ret. Env. <br />M <br />CA <br />Prepared By: R. Gogolin <br />;; <br />> <br />� <br />�_ <br />.. <br />CD- <br />c <br />rn <br />� � <br />NorthWestern Energy <br />_, <br />= <br />M <br />ry <br />° <br />j <br />c <br />CD <br />Market Street West <br />; r _ <br />-< <br />U' �""" <br />Huron, SD 57350.1500 <br />- <br />`n <br />.. <br />"' <br />'v <br />�� <br />' <br />CD <br />Phone 6051353 -7528 <br />r <br />= <br />Cn <br />_ <br />=D <br />7 <br />V <br />C0 <br />Cfl <br />:K <br />cri <br />Ul <br />U) <br />W <br />Z <br />200505583 <br />GAS UTILITY EASEMENT <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />That JAMES H. TRUELL and KARLA J. ANDREASEN / Husband and Wife Grantors <br />of the County of Hall , the State of Nebraska for and <br />in consideration of the sum of one Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is <br />hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, remise, convey and relinquish unto Northwestern Corporation, a Delaware <br />Corporation, d /bla Northwestern Energy„ Grantee, of Huron, South Dakota, its successors or assigns, a gas utility <br />easement, for the installation, maintenance and operation of a natural gas pipeline along with all appurtenances <br />thereto over, under, upon and through the following described lands situated in the County of Hall <br />the State of Nebraska , to wit: <br />The East Ten feet (10') of Lot Two (2) of Zana Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, a part of <br />the Southeast Quarter (SE.1 /4) of Section Twenty -one (S21), Township Eleven North (T.11 N.), <br />Range Nine West (R.9 N.) of the Sixth (6th) Principal Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />(The purpose of the above described easement is for a natural gas pipeline along with all <br />appurtenances thereto) <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto said NORTHWESTERN CORPORATION, its successors and assigns, so <br />long as such natural gas pipeline along with all appurtenances thereto shall be maintained and operated, together <br />with the right of ingress and egress from said premises for the purpose of surveying, constructing, installing, <br />inspecting, repairing, maintaining, renewing and replacing the property of the Grantee located thereon, or removed <br />thereof, in whole or in part, at the will of the Grantee. <br />The Grantors further covenants for themselves, their heirs, lessees, successors, or assigns, that the <br />Grantee, its lessees, successors or assigns shall at all times have the right to cut and remove or trim all trees, <br />bushes and saplings growing upon said lands above described, or extending over same, so far as may be <br />reasonably necessary for the construction, reconstruction, operation, repair, and maintenance of said natural gas <br />pipeline, and shall have the right of access and entry to and upon said above described lands for such purposes. <br />