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200505400 <br />interest, or to agree to do so, without the written consent of BENEFICIARY being first <br />obtained, and (0) all payments and monetary obligations required of the owner of SUCH <br />PROPERTY under any declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions pertaining <br />to SUCH PROPERTY or any modification thereof. Should TRUSTOR fail to make any <br />such payment, BENEFICIARY, without contesting the validity or amount, may elect to <br />make or advance such payment together with any costs, expenses, fees or charges <br />relating thereto, including employing counsel and paying his reasonable fees. <br />TRUSTOR agrees to notify BENEFICIARY immediately upon receipt by TRUSTOR of <br />notice of any increase in the assessed value of SUCH PROPERTY and agrees that <br />BENEFICIARY, in the name of TRUSTOR, may contest by appropriate proceedings <br />such increase in assessment. <br />In the event of the passage of any law deducting from the value of real property <br />for the purposes of taxation of any lien thereon, or changing in any way the laws for the <br />taxation of deeds of trust or debts secured by deeds of trust for state or local purposes„ <br />or the manner of the collection of any such taxes, so as to affect this Deed of Trust, the <br />holder of this Deed of Trust and of the obligations which it secures shall have the right <br />to declare all sums secured hereby due as of a date to be specified by not less than 30 <br />days' written notice to be given to TRUSTOR by BENEFICIARY; provided, however, <br />that such election shall be ineffective if TRUSTOR is permitted by law to pay the whole <br />of such tax in addition to all other payments required hereunder and if, prior to such <br />specified date, does pay such tax and agrees to pay any such tax when hereafter levied <br />or assessed against SUCH PROPERTY, and such agreement shall constitute a <br />modification of this Deed of Trust. <br />Sums Advanced to Bear Interest: To pay immediately upon demand any sums <br />advanced or paid by BENEFICIARY or TRUSTEE under any clause or provision of this <br />Deed of Trust. Any such sums, until so repaid, shall be secured hereby and bear <br />interest from the date it was advanced or paid at the same rate as such indebtedness <br />and shall be secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />Assignment of Deposits: That as further additional security if this be a <br />construction loan, TRUSTOR hereby transfers and assigns to BENEFICIARY during <br />continuance of these Trusts, all right, title and interest to any and all monies deposited <br />by TRUSTOR or deposited on behalf of TRUSTOR with any city, county public body or <br />agency, sanitary district, gas and /or electric company, telephone company and any <br />other body or agency, for the installation or to secure the installation of any utility by <br />TRUSTOR, pertaining to this property. <br />Failure of TRUSTOR to Comply with Deed of Trust: Should MAKER or <br />TRUSTOR fail to make any payment, or to do any act as provided in this Deed of Trust, <br />or fail to perform any obligation secured by this Deed of Trust, or do any act MAKER or <br />Page 5 of 12 <br />#MGWL_265892_3.DOC <br />