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Mark S. Hatten and Nancy Jane Brown, husband and wife, GRANTOR, in 5, S C) <br />z„ consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, conveys to <br />�I - GRANTEE, Donna E. Foxworthy, a single person, the following described real estate (as <br />Q defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 76 -201): <br />r Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE1 /4NE1 /4) of Section Eight <br />M (8), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br />cn <br />more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point where the east line of <br />Park Avenue in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, intersects the south line of Waugh <br />n Street in said City and running thence south One Hundred (100) feet along and upon the <br />C 03 <br />r^� <br />east line of Park Avenue a distance of One Hundred (100) feet to the point of beginning; <br />continuing thence south along and upon the east line of said Park Avenue a distance of <br />Eighty (80) feet; running thence East and parallel to the south line of Waugh Street a <br />distance of One Hundred Thirty -eight (13 8) feet; running thence North and parallel to the <br />West line of Park Avenue a distance of Eighty (80) feet; running thence West and parallel <br />to the South line of Waugh Street a distance of One Hundred Thirty -eight (13 8) feet to <br />the point of beginning. <br />GRANTOR covenants (jointly and severally, if more than one) with GRANTEE <br />that GRANTOR: <br />1. is lawfully seized of such real estate and that is free from encumbrances, EXCEPT <br />subject to easements, reservations, and restrictions of record; <br />2. has legal power and lawful authority to convey the same; <br />3. warrants and will defend title to the real estate against the lawful claims of all <br />persons. <br />Executed: June 7fA , 2005. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 7 _ day of June, 2005, by <br />Mark S. Hatten and Nancy Jane Brown, husband and wife. <br />6EpIfRAt NOTARY - State at Nab11N1 u �4 =1%144 <br />JUDY M. HAMMERMWO <br />MN cmmm. 4 w n fE1001 J ota ublic <br />My Commission Expires: /5--Z) 9 <br />File No. G103443- <br />w <br />n <br />CD <br />� - <br />n <br />x <br />Can <br />W � <br />G <br />� <br />� � <br />V <br />m <br />­4 rVI <br />CD <br />Mark S. Hatten and Nancy Jane Brown, husband and wife, GRANTOR, in 5, S C) <br />z„ consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, conveys to <br />�I - GRANTEE, Donna E. Foxworthy, a single person, the following described real estate (as <br />Q defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 76 -201): <br />r Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE1 /4NE1 /4) of Section Eight <br />M (8), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br />cn <br />more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point where the east line of <br />Park Avenue in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, intersects the south line of Waugh <br />n Street in said City and running thence south One Hundred (100) feet along and upon the <br />C 03 <br />r^� <br />east line of Park Avenue a distance of One Hundred (100) feet to the point of beginning; <br />continuing thence south along and upon the east line of said Park Avenue a distance of <br />Eighty (80) feet; running thence East and parallel to the south line of Waugh Street a <br />distance of One Hundred Thirty -eight (13 8) feet; running thence North and parallel to the <br />West line of Park Avenue a distance of Eighty (80) feet; running thence West and parallel <br />to the South line of Waugh Street a distance of One Hundred Thirty -eight (13 8) feet to <br />the point of beginning. <br />GRANTOR covenants (jointly and severally, if more than one) with GRANTEE <br />that GRANTOR: <br />1. is lawfully seized of such real estate and that is free from encumbrances, EXCEPT <br />subject to easements, reservations, and restrictions of record; <br />2. has legal power and lawful authority to convey the same; <br />3. warrants and will defend title to the real estate against the lawful claims of all <br />persons. <br />Executed: June 7fA , 2005. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 7 _ day of June, 2005, by <br />Mark S. Hatten and Nancy Jane Brown, husband and wife. <br />6EpIfRAt NOTARY - State at Nab11N1 u �4 =1%144 <br />JUDY M. HAMMERMWO <br />MN cmmm. 4 w n fE1001 J ota ublic <br />My Commission Expires: /5--Z) 9 <br />File No. G103443- <br />n <br />c <br />Z <br />©� <br />­4 rVI <br />CD <br />CD <br />CD <br />W <br />ND <br />ry <br />tv <br />WARRANTY DEED <br />200505347 <br />Mark S. Hatten and Nancy Jane Brown, husband and wife, GRANTOR, in 5, S C) <br />z„ consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, conveys to <br />�I - GRANTEE, Donna E. Foxworthy, a single person, the following described real estate (as <br />Q defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 76 -201): <br />r Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE1 /4NE1 /4) of Section Eight <br />M (8), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br />cn <br />more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point where the east line of <br />Park Avenue in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, intersects the south line of Waugh <br />n Street in said City and running thence south One Hundred (100) feet along and upon the <br />C 03 <br />r^� <br />east line of Park Avenue a distance of One Hundred (100) feet to the point of beginning; <br />continuing thence south along and upon the east line of said Park Avenue a distance of <br />Eighty (80) feet; running thence East and parallel to the south line of Waugh Street a <br />distance of One Hundred Thirty -eight (13 8) feet; running thence North and parallel to the <br />West line of Park Avenue a distance of Eighty (80) feet; running thence West and parallel <br />to the South line of Waugh Street a distance of One Hundred Thirty -eight (13 8) feet to <br />the point of beginning. <br />GRANTOR covenants (jointly and severally, if more than one) with GRANTEE <br />that GRANTOR: <br />1. is lawfully seized of such real estate and that is free from encumbrances, EXCEPT <br />subject to easements, reservations, and restrictions of record; <br />2. has legal power and lawful authority to convey the same; <br />3. warrants and will defend title to the real estate against the lawful claims of all <br />persons. <br />Executed: June 7fA , 2005. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 7 _ day of June, 2005, by <br />Mark S. Hatten and Nancy Jane Brown, husband and wife. <br />6EpIfRAt NOTARY - State at Nab11N1 u �4 =1%144 <br />JUDY M. HAMMERMWO <br />MN cmmm. 4 w n fE1001 J ota ublic <br />My Commission Expires: /5--Z) 9 <br />File No. G103443- <br />