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r <br />X-A <br />DEED OF_RECONVEYANCE <br />WASHINGTON MUTUAL - CLIENT 908 #:0612285502 "HARRIS" Lender ID:F27/564/1689126188 Hall, Nebraska PIF: 03/24/2005 <br />WHEREAS CHARLES V. SEDERSTROM, JR. whose address is C/O NATIONWIDE TITLE CLEARING, 2100 ALT <br />19 NORTH, PALM HARBOR, FL 34683 is the present Trustee of record under the following described Deed of <br />Trust: <br />Trustor: DAVID W HARRIS AND BARBARA C HARRIS <br />Beneficiary: WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA <br />Original Beneficiary: FIVE POINTS BANK <br />Original Trustee: FIVE POINTS BANK <br />Dated: 05/29/2003 Recorded: 06/03/2003 in Book/Reel /Liber: N/A Page /Folio: N/A as Instrument No.: <br />0200307028, in The County of Hall, State of Nebraska <br />Legal: THE SOUTH FORTY -NINE ( 49 ) FEET OF LOT EIGHT ( 8 ) AND THE NORTH EIGHT ( 8 ) FEET OF LOT <br />TEN ( 10 ) IN BLOCK NINETEEN ( 19 ), SCARFF -S ADDDITION TO WEST LAWN, CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Property Address: 1719 N TAYLOR AVE, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803 <br />AND WHEREAS, the above said Deed of Trust has been paid in full; <br />NOW THEREFORE, the present Trustee having received from the present owner of the beneficial interest under <br />said Deed of Trust and the obligations secured thereby, a written request to reconvey by reason of the obligations <br />secured by said Deed of Trust; <br />DOES HEREBY RECONVEY, without warranty, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto, the estate, title and <br />interest now held by it under said Deed of Trust, describing the land therein as more fully described in said Deed of <br />Trust. <br />By CHAR' E ERSTROM, JR. as Trustee <br />On (� s <br />CHARLES V. SEDERSTROM, JR., TRUSTEE <br />STATE OF <br />COUNTY OF L( G <br />On S before me, C-LC/t0G A , �/L - /�D� a Notary Public in and for <br />vLl - z.b a in the State of C , personally appeared <br />CHARLES V. SEDERSTROM, JR. , TRUST E, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory <br />evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me <br />that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized capacity, and that by his /her /their signature on the <br />instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. <br />Wit E my hand and official seal, <br />Q i <br />�C� XMADELEIN�EKWIDSTROM Notary Expires:9 113 /67 W Comm. 88pL 13, a? <br />(This area o aria s <br />[WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO] <br />NTC -- ATTN.- ALAN Gxt AHAIA t 179 <br />2100 ALT. 19 NORTH - <br />PALM HARBOR, FLORIDA 34683 <br />WMBVH Loan #s 0612285502 <br />"S "M'S'MWAMT "05124/2005 11:04:53 AM" WAMU05WAM0000000000000O002482641" NEHAL" 0612285502 NESTATE TRUST REL "S "M "S "MWAMT" <br />�-- <br />� <br />z n <br />n 3: <br />nu-, <br />v <br />, <br />C) ---q <br />o <br />N <br />r= <br />_ <br />, <br />�= <br />c::) <br />M <br />vr4 <br />W <br />-n1 <br />O <br />' <br />Can <br />C1 I <br />r. <br />csr <br />O <br />CZ) <br />PIZ <br />20050 5301 <br />c <br />X-A <br />DEED OF_RECONVEYANCE <br />WASHINGTON MUTUAL - CLIENT 908 #:0612285502 "HARRIS" Lender ID:F27/564/1689126188 Hall, Nebraska PIF: 03/24/2005 <br />WHEREAS CHARLES V. SEDERSTROM, JR. whose address is C/O NATIONWIDE TITLE CLEARING, 2100 ALT <br />19 NORTH, PALM HARBOR, FL 34683 is the present Trustee of record under the following described Deed of <br />Trust: <br />Trustor: DAVID W HARRIS AND BARBARA C HARRIS <br />Beneficiary: WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA <br />Original Beneficiary: FIVE POINTS BANK <br />Original Trustee: FIVE POINTS BANK <br />Dated: 05/29/2003 Recorded: 06/03/2003 in Book/Reel /Liber: N/A Page /Folio: N/A as Instrument No.: <br />0200307028, in The County of Hall, State of Nebraska <br />Legal: THE SOUTH FORTY -NINE ( 49 ) FEET OF LOT EIGHT ( 8 ) AND THE NORTH EIGHT ( 8 ) FEET OF LOT <br />TEN ( 10 ) IN BLOCK NINETEEN ( 19 ), SCARFF -S ADDDITION TO WEST LAWN, CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Property Address: 1719 N TAYLOR AVE, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803 <br />AND WHEREAS, the above said Deed of Trust has been paid in full; <br />NOW THEREFORE, the present Trustee having received from the present owner of the beneficial interest under <br />said Deed of Trust and the obligations secured thereby, a written request to reconvey by reason of the obligations <br />secured by said Deed of Trust; <br />DOES HEREBY RECONVEY, without warranty, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto, the estate, title and <br />interest now held by it under said Deed of Trust, describing the land therein as more fully described in said Deed of <br />Trust. <br />By CHAR' E ERSTROM, JR. as Trustee <br />On (� s <br />CHARLES V. SEDERSTROM, JR., TRUSTEE <br />STATE OF <br />COUNTY OF L( G <br />On S before me, C-LC/t0G A , �/L - /�D� a Notary Public in and for <br />vLl - z.b a in the State of C , personally appeared <br />CHARLES V. SEDERSTROM, JR. , TRUST E, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory <br />evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me <br />that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized capacity, and that by his /her /their signature on the <br />instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. <br />Wit E my hand and official seal, <br />Q i <br />�C� XMADELEIN�EKWIDSTROM Notary Expires:9 113 /67 W Comm. 88pL 13, a? <br />(This area o aria s <br />[WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO] <br />NTC -- ATTN.- ALAN Gxt AHAIA t 179 <br />2100 ALT. 19 NORTH - <br />PALM HARBOR, FLORIDA 34683 <br />WMBVH Loan #s 0612285502 <br />"S "M'S'MWAMT "05124/2005 11:04:53 AM" WAMU05WAM0000000000000O002482641" NEHAL" 0612285502 NESTATE TRUST REL "S "M "S "MWAMT" <br />