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Loan No: 101206385 <br />NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT 2 U U 5 U 5 2 8 9 <br />(Continued) Page 2 <br />Duration of this Notice of Commencement: 6 MONTHS <br />Executed this 10th Day of June, 2005 <br />CONTRACTING OWNER: <br />KEN SHUDA CONSTRUCTION LLC <br />By: <br />KENNETH E SHUDA, Manager of KEN SHUDA CONSTRUCTION LLC <br />LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />STATE OF &( ZL rO-WWI <br />COUNTY OF dja- <br />I SS <br />On this U day of , 20 d J before me, the undersigned Notary Public, <br />personally appeared KENNETH E SHUDA, Manager of KEN SHUDA CONSTRUCTION LLC, and known to me to be partner or designated <br />agent of the limited liability company that executed the Notice of Commencement and acknowledged the Notice to be the free and <br />voluntary act and deed of the limited liability company, by authority of statute, its articles of organization or its operating agreement, for <br />the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he or she is authorized to execute is Notice and in fact executed the <br />Notice on behalf of the limited liability company. _ <br />By <br />GENERAL NOTARY- State of Nebraska Notary Public in and for the Stw of <br />JONI L GALLAWAY Residing at <br />IN Comm. Up. Nov. 27, 2007 <br />My commission expires <br />LASER PRO Landing, Ve,. Cnpr. Herlend Fineneiel 3aWtians, Inc. 1937, 2006, All Righi, Reserved. - NE C! \CFINEW \CFI \LPL \C41N.FC TA -13923 PR -13 <br />