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rQ n Zv 7; ^; , � r ' <br />M CD c <br />rn W <br />n cn <br />(ED t A = = cn <br />�� V1 �� to CD <br />4P a <br />} r x? <br />V <br />z co <br />Co .J <br />wwrw� C-0 u w <br />z <br />0 <br />SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED 200504897 <br />Nebraska FHA Case No. 321 - 224840 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: �l <br />That the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, of Washington, D.C., (hereinafter called "Grantor"), in consideration\ <br />of ONE dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration received from Grantee, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and <br />rte-• confirm unto: Mildred L. Weavers, a single person, (hereinafter called "Grantee"), whether one or more, the following <br />vdescribed property described as follows: <br />The Easterly Forty -four (44) feet of Lot Six (6), Block Two (2), Wiebe's Addition to the <br />rn City of Grand island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />rn <br />y NOTE: This deed is not effective until <br />n <br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto <br />belonging unto the Grantee and the Grantee's heirs and assigns forever. <br />s <br />The Grantor does hereby covenant with the Grantee and with the Grantee's heirs and assigns to warrant and defend the title to <br />said premises against all persons claiming the same from, through or under Grantor. <br />The foregoing property was acquired by Grantor pursuant to the National Housing Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. § 1701 et sue.) <br />and the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act (42 U.S.C, § 3531). <br />Dated '5/h 7 k,,�- Secretary of Housing and Urban Development <br />By: /��, <br />�sS <br />(Print or Type Name) <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />6,; ; &— , Attorney -in -Fact <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF HENNEP'`I�N ) <br />On this 1 ( day of k 2005, 'J sZ (name) <br />+� title) of Best Assets, Inc., p rsonally appeared before me and <br />acknowledged that he /she executed the above instru ent as Attorney -in -Fact for and on behalf of the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development. <br />Witness my hand and of - <br />— <br />LINDA K ABRAMOVITZ '.wry public <br />NOTAHY PU3LIC • MINNESCTA <br />1.1y COMM, EXI)IMS Jan. 31. 2008 <br />My Commission Expires <br />This instrument was drafted by HUD's Office of Counsel. <br />OMAHA, NF 03144 � -2— 1 2. l c <br />11/00 <br />r�•� <br />C n <br />n . <br />.:.. r <br />Nebraska FHA Case No. 321 - 224840 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: �l <br />That the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, of Washington, D.C., (hereinafter called "Grantor"), in consideration\ <br />of ONE dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration received from Grantee, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and <br />rte-• confirm unto: Mildred L. Weavers, a single person, (hereinafter called "Grantee"), whether one or more, the following <br />vdescribed property described as follows: <br />The Easterly Forty -four (44) feet of Lot Six (6), Block Two (2), Wiebe's Addition to the <br />rn City of Grand island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />rn <br />y NOTE: This deed is not effective until <br />n <br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto <br />belonging unto the Grantee and the Grantee's heirs and assigns forever. <br />s <br />The Grantor does hereby covenant with the Grantee and with the Grantee's heirs and assigns to warrant and defend the title to <br />said premises against all persons claiming the same from, through or under Grantor. <br />The foregoing property was acquired by Grantor pursuant to the National Housing Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. § 1701 et sue.) <br />and the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act (42 U.S.C, § 3531). <br />Dated '5/h 7 k,,�- Secretary of Housing and Urban Development <br />By: /��, <br />�sS <br />(Print or Type Name) <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />6,; ; &— , Attorney -in -Fact <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF HENNEP'`I�N ) <br />On this 1 ( day of k 2005, 'J sZ (name) <br />+� title) of Best Assets, Inc., p rsonally appeared before me and <br />acknowledged that he /she executed the above instru ent as Attorney -in -Fact for and on behalf of the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development. <br />Witness my hand and of - <br />— <br />LINDA K ABRAMOVITZ '.wry public <br />NOTAHY PU3LIC • MINNESCTA <br />1.1y COMM, EXI)IMS Jan. 31. 2008 <br />My Commission Expires <br />This instrument was drafted by HUD's Office of Counsel. <br />OMAHA, NF 03144 � -2— 1 2. l c <br />11/00 <br />