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t � <br />200504874 OMB NO. 0578-0013 <br />CCC- 1255 <br />Exp. 06 -30 -03 <br />2. altering of grassland, woodland, wildlife habitat or other natural features by <br />burning, digging, plowing, disking, cutting or otherwise destroying the <br />vegetative cover; <br />3. dumping refuse, wastes, sewage, or other debris; <br />4. harvesting wood products; <br />5. draining, dredging, channeling, filling, leveling, pumping, diking, <br />impounding, or related activities, as well as altering or tampering with water <br />control structures or devices; <br />6. diverting or causing or permitting the diversion of surface or underground <br />water into, within, or out of the easement area by any means; <br />7. building or placing buildings or structures on the easement area; <br />8. planting or harvesting any crop; <br />9. grazing or allowing livestock on the easement area; and <br />10. disturbing or interfering with the nesting or brood - rearing activities of <br />migratory birds. <br />B. Noxious Plants and Pests. The Landowner is responsible for noxious weed control <br />and emergency control of pests as required by all Federal, State, and local laws. A <br />plan to control noxious weeds and pests must be approved in writing by CCC prior to <br />implementation by the Landowner. <br />C. Fences. Except for establishment cost incurred by the United States and replacement <br />cost not due to the Landowner's negligence or malfeasance, all other costs involved in <br />maintenance of fences and similar facilities to exclude livestock shall be the <br />responsibility of the Landowner. <br />D. Taxes. The Landowner shall pay any and all real property and other taxes and <br />assessments, if any, which may be levied against the land. <br />E. Reporting. The Landowner shall report to CCC any conditions or events which may <br />adversely affect the wetland, wildlife, and other natural values of the easement area. <br />PART IV. Allowance of compatible Uses by the Landowner. <br />A. General. The United States may authorize, in writing and subject to such terms and <br />conditions CCC may prescribe at its discretion, the use of the easement area for <br />compatible economic uses, including, but not limited to, managed timber harvest, <br />periodic haying, or grazing. <br />B. Limitations. Compatible use authorization will only be made if, upon a <br />determination by CCC in the exercise of its discretion and rights, that the proposed <br />use is consistent with the long -term protection and enhancement of the wetland and <br />