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j4 y <br />200504874 <br />U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OMB NO. 0578 -0013 <br />COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION CCC- 1255 <br />Exp. 06 -30 -03 <br />Warranty Easement Deed <br />WETLANDS RESERVE PROGRAM <br />1. AGREEMENT NO. 66- 5526 -3786 <br />THIS WARRANTY EASEMENT DEED is made by and between <br />2. Duane Rieflin and Vada Rieflin husband and wife of <br />3. Landowner address: 880 East Schultz Road <br />Doniphan, NE 68832 -9500 <br />(hereafter referred to as the "Landowner "), Grantor(s), and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, by and <br />through the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) (hereafter referred to as the "United States "), Grantee. The <br />Landowner and the United States are jointly referred to as the "Parties ". The acquiring agency of the United <br />States is the Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS), United States Department of Agriculture. <br />Witnesseth: <br />Purposes and Intent. The purpose of this easement is to restore, protect, manage, maintain, and <br />enhance the functional values of wetlands and other lands, and for the conservation of natural values including <br />fish and wildlife and their habitat, water quality improvement, flood water retention, groundwater recharge, open <br />space, aesthetic values, and environmental education. It is the intent of CCC to give the Landowner the <br />opportunity to participate in the restoration and management activities on the easement area. <br />Authority. This easement deed acquisition is authorized by Title XII of the Food Security <br />Act of 1985, as amended (16 U.S.C. §3837), for the Wetlands Reserve Program. <br />NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of One hundred seventy —five thousand <br />(4.) two hundred Dollars, (4 a.) ($ 175,266 D ), the Grantor(s), <br />hereby grants and conveys with general warranty of title to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and its <br />assigns, the Grantee, forever, all rights, title and interest in the lands comprising the easement are described in <br />Part I and appurtenant rights of access to the easement area, but reserving to the Landowner only those rights, <br />title, and interest expressly enumerated in Part 11. It is the intention of the Landowner to convey and relinquish <br />any and all other property rights not so reserved. This easement shall constitute a servitude upon the land so <br />encumbered; shall run with the land in perpetuity; and shall bind the Landowner, (the Grantor(s)), their heirs, <br />successors, assigns, lessees, and any other person <br />claiming under them. <br />