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EXHIBIT "A" 200504870 <br />,A tract of land to the West Half (W�) of Section Twenty -one (21), Township <br />Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (g) West of the SiXth (6th) F.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as followse Commencing at the quarter <br />section corner hetween S6ctions 20 and 21, in Township It North, Range 9 West; <br />thence East along the East -West quarter section Line thru said Section 22, a <br />distance of One Thousand Three Hundred Eighty -Six and Two Tenths Feet (1286.2') <br />to the intersection of said East --West quarter section line with the West line <br />of Logan Street extended, as platted in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; <br />thence Northwesterly along said West line of Logan Street, extended, a distance <br />of Sixty -one and Three Tenths Feet (65.31)1 thence due South along the West <br />line of the County Road, a distance of Flirty -Two and Three Ze -ths .?et A2.3'). <br />as a point of beyir1►111u}; thence Southwesterly parollci to Anna Street, a dis- <br />tance of Three Hundred Twenty--Five and Two Tenths Feet (325.2'); thence South- <br />easterly parallel to Logan Street, a distance of one Hundred Sixty--Four and <br />Seven Tenths Feet (164.7') to a point Twenty -Five Feet (251) from the center of <br />the C.B.4Q. Belt Line Railroad; thence Northeasterly and parallel to the rail- <br />road, a distance of Two Hundred Thirty -Eight and Two Tenths Feet (238,2') to <br />the West line of the County Road; thence along the Westerly line of the County <br />Road, a distancd of one Hundred eighty -Four and Three Tenths Feet (184.3')r to <br />the point of beginning. <br />