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TRUSTEE'S DEED <br />Garry McCubbin, Attorney at Law, 12400 Olive Blvd., Ste 555, St. Louis, Missouri, 63141, <br />hereinafter referred to as Grantor, as (successor] Trustee under the Trust Deed hereinafter <br />described, for valuable consideration, hereby grants and conveys to JP Morgan Chase Bank as <br />Trustee, Grantee, without any covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, all of the following <br />described real estate: <br />The W1/2 of lots 7 and 8, in block 4, fourth addition to Cairo, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />This conveyance is made pursuant to the powers conferred by a Trust Deed with power of sale <br />recorded on January 5, 2004, in the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska as Document <br />Number 0200400092 wherein Dennis Glines married to Sandra K Glines, is Trustor, and <br />Decision One Mortgage Company is originally named Beneficiary, wherein the Trustor granted <br />and conveyed to the Trustee, on the trust therein expressed, the property above described to <br />secure, among other obligations, payment of the indebtedness and after the fulfillment of the <br />conditions specified in the Trust Deed authorizing this conveyance as follows: <br />(1) Breach and default were made under the terms of the Trust Deed in the particular <br />set forth in the notice of default hereinafter referred to, which default continued <br />until the time of the sale. <br />(2) There was filed for record on January 18, 2005 as Instrument 200500445 a notice of <br />default in the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, and of election to sell the <br />property to satisfy the obligations secured thereby and thereafter notice of the filing <br />//..0-0 <br />eA <br />M <br />n <br />n <br />r <br />N <br />7A <br />-rn <br />�� <br />--) <br />bit's <br />r) <br />�3 may <br />Z <br />�_ <br />n X <br />x <br />QJ <br />f ro <br />e <br />_ <br />�rw <br />,n <br />�. <br />TRUSTEE'S DEED <br />Garry McCubbin, Attorney at Law, 12400 Olive Blvd., Ste 555, St. Louis, Missouri, 63141, <br />hereinafter referred to as Grantor, as (successor] Trustee under the Trust Deed hereinafter <br />described, for valuable consideration, hereby grants and conveys to JP Morgan Chase Bank as <br />Trustee, Grantee, without any covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, all of the following <br />described real estate: <br />The W1/2 of lots 7 and 8, in block 4, fourth addition to Cairo, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />This conveyance is made pursuant to the powers conferred by a Trust Deed with power of sale <br />recorded on January 5, 2004, in the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska as Document <br />Number 0200400092 wherein Dennis Glines married to Sandra K Glines, is Trustor, and <br />Decision One Mortgage Company is originally named Beneficiary, wherein the Trustor granted <br />and conveyed to the Trustee, on the trust therein expressed, the property above described to <br />secure, among other obligations, payment of the indebtedness and after the fulfillment of the <br />conditions specified in the Trust Deed authorizing this conveyance as follows: <br />(1) Breach and default were made under the terms of the Trust Deed in the particular <br />set forth in the notice of default hereinafter referred to, which default continued <br />until the time of the sale. <br />(2) There was filed for record on January 18, 2005 as Instrument 200500445 a notice of <br />default in the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, and of election to sell the <br />property to satisfy the obligations secured thereby and thereafter notice of the filing <br />//..0-0 <br />M <br />n <br />n <br />r <br />U> <br />C�D <br />rn <br />_ <br />_ <br />7: <br />C_ <br />G7 <br />C:) <br />m <br />y <br />m <br />-Z-3 <br />r <br />� <br />r., <br />x <br />� <br />CID <br />0 <br />TRUSTEE'S DEED <br />Garry McCubbin, Attorney at Law, 12400 Olive Blvd., Ste 555, St. Louis, Missouri, 63141, <br />hereinafter referred to as Grantor, as (successor] Trustee under the Trust Deed hereinafter <br />described, for valuable consideration, hereby grants and conveys to JP Morgan Chase Bank as <br />Trustee, Grantee, without any covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, all of the following <br />described real estate: <br />The W1/2 of lots 7 and 8, in block 4, fourth addition to Cairo, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />This conveyance is made pursuant to the powers conferred by a Trust Deed with power of sale <br />recorded on January 5, 2004, in the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska as Document <br />Number 0200400092 wherein Dennis Glines married to Sandra K Glines, is Trustor, and <br />Decision One Mortgage Company is originally named Beneficiary, wherein the Trustor granted <br />and conveyed to the Trustee, on the trust therein expressed, the property above described to <br />secure, among other obligations, payment of the indebtedness and after the fulfillment of the <br />conditions specified in the Trust Deed authorizing this conveyance as follows: <br />(1) Breach and default were made under the terms of the Trust Deed in the particular <br />set forth in the notice of default hereinafter referred to, which default continued <br />until the time of the sale. <br />(2) There was filed for record on January 18, 2005 as Instrument 200500445 a notice of <br />default in the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, and of election to sell the <br />property to satisfy the obligations secured thereby and thereafter notice of the filing <br />//..0-0 <br />