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200504'777 <br />Schedule "A" <br />Loan #: 0770234858 <br />Name: Jeremiah P Tynan and Susan B Tynan <br />1 HIM!' "A" <br />Fractional Lot Four (4)Au Fkactloaal Block Eight (g), in Woodbine Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />and Its complement, to -wilt, Fractional Lot Four (4), in Fractional Block Three (3). in Ashton Place, an <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and that part of Fractional l Block 'Meaty Seven (27), <br />in Baker's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Commenddg at a paint 37 Feet Southwest of the Northeast corner of said Block 27, along the Northerly <br />line thereof, thence in a Southeasterly direction at right angles with the Northerly line of said Bloch until <br />the same connects with the Westerly line of Lot 3 in Block $, In Woodbine Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, thence straight South to the Southeast corner of said Fractional Block 27, in Bakers Addition, <br />thence straight West along the Southerly line or said Fractional Block 27 until the same Intersects the <br />Northwest corner of Fractional Lot 4 In Fractional Block 3 to Ashton Place, thence to a Northwesterly <br />direction parallel with the West line of said Block 27 to a point an the Northerly line of said Block 27, <br />54 Feet Northeast of the Northwest corner -if said Fractional Block 27, thence is a Northeasterly <br />direction along the Northerly line of said fl'actlonai Block 27, a distance of 52 feet to a point of <br />beginning, all le Hall (County, Nebraska <br />