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�r�ra <br />N) <br />Cn <br />°i I By and Return To: <br />Mueller <br />r diFS�T?Smlsy� /$ O <br />Darlington Suite 300 <br />TuTsa; OK 74135 <br />PHA Case No.:321- 2291225 <br />FICATE OF DISEHARGE/RECONVEYANCE OF TRUST—D—EED _ -- <br />WHEREAS, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, whose address is 2520 N. Redhill Ave., suite 120, Santa Ana, CA 92705, <br />Substituted Trustee of record under a certain Deed of Trust dated 8/14/2003, recorded 8/27/2003, Document/Instrument No. <br />0200311372 or in Book NA, Page NA, in the records of Hall County, Nebraska, between DONALD W. ARENT <br />and MILDRED M. ARENT, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS, Trustor(s), whose address is <br />209 EAST 19TH STREET, GRAND I_SLAND, NE 68801, and the Secretaa of Housing and Urban Develo ment, Beneficiary, for the <br />property located at 209 EAST 19TH STREET, GRAND _ISLAND, , NE 68801, PIN No. <br />Legal Description: THE EAST 46 FEET OF LOT 10 AND THE WEST 14 FEET OF LOT 9, IN BLOCK 3, IN MORRIS SECOND <br />ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />AND WHEREAS, the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust has been paid in full and /or satisfied and is hereby discharged. <br />NOW THEREFORE, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, as Substituted Trustee, DOES HEREBY GRANT AND <br />RECONVEY, without warranty, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto, the estate, title and interest now held by it under said <br />Deed of Trust in said County in the State of Nebraska, describing the land therein as more fully described in said Deed of Trust. <br />Fidelity National Title Insurance Company <br />As Substituted Truste. <br />By: <br />Print name: ::;Chri ina UnQg DECEMBER 31 <br />Title: � sistant Vice president S <br />1996 <br />STATE OF NEB*kWk C111KO nip <br />} ss. <br />COUNTY OF (� } <br />On this day of "'NY , 700T , before me, a notary public of said state, duly commissioned and sworn <br />appeared __ Christina 1.1rfg AVP personally known to me to be the person above - subscribed and if subscribed in a <br />representative capacity, then for the principal named and in the capacity and acknowledged that he /she executed the same. <br />TN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first written above. <br />K, ELLISON K. ,ELLL ,9QN <br />Comm. A 1337854 Print name: <br />NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA Rota Public <br />Orange County r <br />ICY Comm. Expires Jan. 6, 2008 My Commission Expires: j a <br />0V <br />n n <br />� <br />-n <br />_ > <br />n <br />C <br />m (A <br />., <br />() <br />47=3 <br />rry <br />rTT <br />M' <br />O <br />c�> <br />(ice ri <br />>,+ <br />, ... <br />t <br />� <br />r <br />I`� <br />H <br />CD <br />..�.. <br />=3 <br />M <br />CJl <br />cn <br />Un <br />rr <br />200504775 <br />CIO <br />FICATE OF DISEHARGE/RECONVEYANCE OF TRUST—D—EED _ -- <br />WHEREAS, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, whose address is 2520 N. Redhill Ave., suite 120, Santa Ana, CA 92705, <br />Substituted Trustee of record under a certain Deed of Trust dated 8/14/2003, recorded 8/27/2003, Document/Instrument No. <br />0200311372 or in Book NA, Page NA, in the records of Hall County, Nebraska, between DONALD W. ARENT <br />and MILDRED M. ARENT, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS, Trustor(s), whose address is <br />209 EAST 19TH STREET, GRAND I_SLAND, NE 68801, and the Secretaa of Housing and Urban Develo ment, Beneficiary, for the <br />property located at 209 EAST 19TH STREET, GRAND _ISLAND, , NE 68801, PIN No. <br />Legal Description: THE EAST 46 FEET OF LOT 10 AND THE WEST 14 FEET OF LOT 9, IN BLOCK 3, IN MORRIS SECOND <br />ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />AND WHEREAS, the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust has been paid in full and /or satisfied and is hereby discharged. <br />NOW THEREFORE, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, as Substituted Trustee, DOES HEREBY GRANT AND <br />RECONVEY, without warranty, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto, the estate, title and interest now held by it under said <br />Deed of Trust in said County in the State of Nebraska, describing the land therein as more fully described in said Deed of Trust. <br />Fidelity National Title Insurance Company <br />As Substituted Truste. <br />By: <br />Print name: ::;Chri ina UnQg DECEMBER 31 <br />Title: � sistant Vice president S <br />1996 <br />STATE OF NEB*kWk C111KO nip <br />} ss. <br />COUNTY OF (� } <br />On this day of "'NY , 700T , before me, a notary public of said state, duly commissioned and sworn <br />appeared __ Christina 1.1rfg AVP personally known to me to be the person above - subscribed and if subscribed in a <br />representative capacity, then for the principal named and in the capacity and acknowledged that he /she executed the same. <br />TN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first written above. <br />K, ELLISON K. ,ELLL ,9QN <br />Comm. A 1337854 Print name: <br />NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA Rota Public <br />Orange County r <br />ICY Comm. Expires Jan. 6, 2008 My Commission Expires: j a <br />