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200504684 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />I.ECAL DESCiZ '771CN <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter of the <br />Southeast Quarter (NWk, SE$) of Section 13, in Township 11 North, <br />Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., H211 County, Nebraska, being more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the South line of said NWA:, szL saic point <br />being 325.87 feet westerly, from the Southeast corner of said <br />NWk, SET, said point being on the Southerly line of Lot 25, EAGLE <br />LAKE =RTES SUBDIVISION, as surveyed, platted, and recorded in <br />Hall County, Nebraska, and also being on the North line of <br />EA GLEWDOD ACRES SUBDIVISION, as surveyed, platted, and recorded in <br />Hallo County, Nebraska; thence running on an assumed bearing of <br />S 89 57' 10" W a distance of $4_30 feet on the South line of said <br />NWT of SEk; thence running N pope' 41" a distance of 199.80 feet; <br />thence running S 890 59' 30" W a distance of 199.72.feet; thence <br />running 5 00 5' 20" W a distance of 199.97 feet to a point or, the <br />South line of .said FWr t, SEk and the North line of said EAGLEW'OOD <br />ACRES SUBDIVISION; thence running S 890 57' 10" W a distance of <br />89.63 feet on the South line of said NW's; SE's to a point on the <br />Southerly line of said Lot 25, EAGLE LAKE ESTATES SUBDIV:1Si0N; <br />thence continuing on the Southerly line of said Lot 25, . EAG'r LAKE <br />ESTATES-SUBDIVISION for the following four courses: N 000 04' 55" W <br />a distance of 249.56 feet; thence N 260 29' 12" E a distance of <br />223.58 feet • thence N 690 56' 07" E a distance of 273.68 feet; <br />thence S 00 06' 36" E a distance of 449.68 feet to the POINT OF <br />BEGINNING; <br />