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200504610 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />A par: of the Bloch 'T`a'o (y), of Aaehle_ Subdivision locsted upon a par` of the Southeast <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SEi /4 SW11/4) of Sec�on =, in Tawnsilig 11 North, Range <br />9 West of the 6th P.M., and a part of Lot Fourtecn (14) of the County Subdivision of the Wit <br />Half of the Southwest Quarter ('? /Z SWIM) ,af Section 1 -1 In TO'Amship 11 North, Range 9 <br />We: ;t of the 6th P.?N_, more particulariy desc_ibed as follows, to -wit; Commenciug at a point ou <br />the North boundary line of Said Block Two (2), Ninety Five (9$) feet West of the Northeast <br />curizer of said Black, running the cm South parallel with tine West boundary tine of said Block <br />for a dlstancr of ❑ne Hundred T-hirty Five (135) feet to a goint on the Northerly houndary line <br />of the belt line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company, r-anning thence in <br />a Soutbwcsterly direction, along and upon said Northerly boundary line of said belt line for a <br />distanr_ of 54.9 feet, running thence North garallel with the West boundary line of said block <br />for a distant- of One Hundred Seventy flve (175) fee: to the North boundary line of said block <br />for a di:itaacr of 56.6 feet to the place of beginning, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />