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200504439 <br />Schedule "A" <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest <br />Quarter (SW1 /4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Twelve <br />(12) North, Range Twelve (12) , West of the 6th P. M. , Hall <br />County, Nebraska, said tract being more particularly <br />dasaribcd at follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner <br />of said Southwest Quarter; thence running on an assumed <br />bearing of S Se "42139" E on the North :Line of said <br />Southwest Quarter for a distance of 2653.36 feet to the <br />northeast corner of said Southwest Quarter, thence S <br />00 °04134 "W on the east line of said Southwest Quarter for <br />573.37 feet; thence N 49 °58139 "W for X92.16 feet; thence <br />N 87'48125 "W for 457.27 feet; thence S 36 °38142 "W for <br />277.012 feet; thence N 66'05e30"W for 443.87 feet; thence <br />H 59049026 "W for 828.10 fact; thence N B5 °37136' #W for <br />735.64 feet to s point on the west line of said Southwest <br />Quarter; thence N 0004013811 E for 200.00 feet to the <br />point of beginning, said tract containing 26.252 acres <br />more or leas, the westerly 33.00 feet being county road <br />aright -of-way (6473 N. Cameron Road) ; and <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest <br />Quarter of Section Fourteen (24), Township Twelve (12 ) <br />North, Ranges Twelve (12) , West of the 6th P.M. , Hall <br />County, Nebraska, said tract being more particularly <br />described as follows With reference to the SW corner of <br />said Southwest Quarter (SW1 14); thence running on an <br />assumed bearing of N 000 40" 38 "E for a distance of 50.7 <br />Peet to a paint on. the North aright -of -way' line of State <br />Highway #21 said point also being the actual POINT. OF <br />BEGINNING; thence continuing N 00"40138"E on the West <br />line of said Southwest Quarter (SW1 14) for 2367.99 feet <br />to a point 2 00. 00 Beet Southerly from the NW corner of <br />said Southwest Quarter JSW1 /4); thence S 65 °37'36 "R for <br />735.64 feet; thence S 58 49626"E for 828.10- Best; thence <br />S 86'05130 "E for 443.87 feet; thence S 16'08103 "W for <br />446.91 feet; thence S 110 51' 22 •'W for 914.41 feet; thence <br />fnv- Ki73.76 feet to a point on the North line <br />of said State Highway *2; thence S 89 °28106 "W on the <br />North line of said State Highway 02; for 1613.32 feet to <br />the POINT OF BEGINNING; said tract containing 84.184 <br />acres more or less, the Westerly 33.00 feet thereof being <br />County road right -of -way; <br />excepting that land previously Sold to the State of <br />Nebraska, Department of Roads, for road purposes and <br />recorded as Document No. 9'S- 102712, <br />