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EXHIBIT "A" 200504267 <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter (NI/2 NEU4) of Section <br />Four (4), Township Eleven (1I), Range Ten (10) West of the 6" P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and <br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said North Half of the <br />Northeast Quarter (NI/2 NEI/4); thence running northerly, along and upon the east line of said <br />North Half of the Northeast Quarter (NI /2 NEI /4), a distance of Five Hundred Thirty and Thirty <br />Seven Hundredths (530.37) feet to the approximate centerline of Silver Creek; thence deflecting left <br />69 038'30" and running northwesterly, along and upon the approximate centerline of Silver Creek, a <br />distance of Four Hundred Thirty Five and Four Hundredths (435.04) feet; thence deflecting left <br />45 "26'50" and running southwesterly, along and upon the approximate centerline of said Silver <br />Creek, a distance of One Hundred Twenty Four and Sixty Five Hundredths (124.65) feet; thence <br />deflecting left 46 054'00" and running southwesterly, along and upon the approximate centerline of <br />said Silver Creek, a distance of One Hundred Eighty Four and Ninety Five Hundredths (184.95) feet; <br />thence deflecting right 42 °56'30" and running southwesterly, along and upon the approximate <br />centerline of said Silver Creek, a distance of Two Hundred Fifty One and Sixty Nine Hundredths. <br />(251.69) feet; thence deflecting right 44 °45'00" and running northwesterly, along and upon the <br />approximate centerline of said Silver Creek, a distance of Three Hundred Nine and Five Hundredths <br />(309.05) feet; thence deflecting left 44 °59'35" and running southwesterly, along and upon the <br />approximate centerline of said Silver Creek, a distance of Three Hundred Seventy Seven and Eighty <br />Three Hundredths (377.83) feet; thence deflecting left 14 °59135" and running southwesterly, along <br />and upon the approximate centerline of said Silver Creek, a distance of One Hundred Thirty One <br />and Fifty Eight Hundredths (131.58) feet; thence defecting right 38 °52'25" and running <br />southwesterly, along and upon the approximate centerline of said Silver Creek, a distance of One <br />Hundred Forty Four and Thirty Six Hundredths (144.36) feet; thence deflecting right 49 °59'00" and <br />running northwesterly, along and upon the approximate centerline of said Silver Creek, a distance of <br />Two Hundred Fifteen and Ninety One Hundredths (215.91) feet; thence deflecting left 40 °22'10" and <br />running northwesterly, along and upon the approximate centerline of said Silver Creek, a distance of <br />Three Hundred Ninety Two and Sixty Five Hundredths (392.65) feet; thence deflecting right <br />26 °39'45" and running northwesterly, along and upon the approximate centerline of said Silver <br />Creek, a distance of Five Hundred and Sixty One Hundredths (500.61) feet to a point on the west <br />line of said North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N1/2 NE1 /4); thence deflecting left 120 °59'59" and <br />running southerly, along and upon the west line of said North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N1/2 <br />NE1 /4), a distance of Four Hundred Seventy Nine and Four Tenths (479.40) feet to the southwest <br />corner of said North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N1 /2 NE1 14); thence deflecting left 88 °05'21" <br />and running easterly, along and upon the south line of said North Half of the Northeast Quarter <br />(NI /2 NEI /4), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Eight and Nineteen Hundredths <br />(2,638.19) feet to the point of beginning. <br />