9 fi(35n3450
<br />know Z1I1 Men by Tjeo larezenti, That, Whereas, In an action in the District Court of the
<br />.-- _.un,th ............. ......Judicial District of the State of Nebraska, within and for the County of............ R01.111 - ----- , wherein
<br />........... Countyo-f Hall, Nebraska, A ,Body__- Politic and -- Corporate---------------•--------------- ••--- •----- • - - - - -- ..plaintiff. - -- and
<br />- See attiached__ Appendix... ��An- ........... -- ------ -------------------------- -- ----------- -...... ---- ------------------------ ------------------ ---------- defendant...
<br />at the .... _.JanuarY ... l s t .. .. . .. .. .. .......Term, A. D. 19...9.9, of said court,__.__C_o.uuty....o.f ... Hal. L,___ Nehraska ----- •-------------------
<br />._........ _.
<br />did obtain a decree finding that there is due from___- _._S.ae ...
<br />_County_ of Hall: Nebraska, -A Body --- PQ7.i.t .c.._aad__. -H sir_ po-rate-_ ............................... .................... . .• -- the sum
<br />of-_-_ Sums found- _due... and - _owing --- n__•or_de- r-- - -of --- their_... px in rity --- as --- de- t .erm1nsd.._ ire- ---------------------- dollars,
<br />decree of foreclosure
<br />- --- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ...... --....-------- ---- -- ................................. ........ .--------------------------- ........... ------------------ - - - - -- -------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ...........
<br />and costs of suit taxed at .................................................................... ................ ............... .__.....dollars, and, whereas, it was then and there
<br />further ordered in the said action that in default of the payment of the sum so found due by the said ......................................... ...............................
<br />- See ... . _..A................ .... ....... --- - - - - -- Jerry. J. --Watson
<br />. .
<br />Sheriff of said County of ___.______- Hall ................. . . . . should cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be
<br />advertised and sold according to law to pay the same, and, whereas, default having been made therein, the said_
<br />Jerr J. Watson Sheri
<br />'._.._...-•-•----------• ................................................. •____._.......... Sheriff of said county, under and by venue of 11ie. soul decree and
<br />the order of sale to him duly directed, did on t3ae-------------------------- i 8 th --- •........... .------------------- day of ----------- Oct- ober ----- .--- •--- •--- •------- A. D. 19 ---- 99
<br />at the._ Lo- wet'__Lobby___ - - - - -- -front door of the County Court House in the -------O it-Y ...... ...... ......... d..la] arid._......__._ - - -_._
<br />in said County of______________ all......___.__________________________ ____....._.._........._.._..__. having first given due and legal notice of the time and place of said sole-
<br />by publication once in each week•for four successive weeks in the ... Graad ... Ialand.- .I.ridependmt, a newspaper printed and in general
<br />circulation in said County of----------- )Hall _. sell said remises at public auction to____Q4:rY --- nd10
<br />-----
<br />. premises p
<br />- -- -Susan J. Rosenbach, WROS ---------------- - - - - -- -for the sum of__- Thirty_•five•_ and •_n.Q_ /.jQQ------------- - - - - --
<br />(_35_.-00)-------------------------------------------------------- .. ........ . .. ....dollars, which sale was afterward at the... of said courl,
<br />A. D., 19. ... 9_ examined and confirmed and the said...... gTrX__J_ Wa t_ s_ QZL_____________________________ _____________________________as such Sheriff, ordered
<br />to convey the said premises in fee simple to the said ----- Gary Susan--., T .- _Rosenb_-ch...... WRQ -S ----- .-------
<br />Robs Tberdare, I, the said ------------------ -Iar_ry ... J�.__W3tsa ..._...._.......__.•- - - - - -• , Sheriff of the County of
<br />..... H`.�� �..._ . as aforesaid, in consideration of the premises and by virtue of the powers vested in me by law and the
<br />decree of said court, do hereby Give, Grant and Convey to the said.__ ._ Gary andDoT___ Susan ---- RQ_S_eribaah..___WRQS ---------------
<br />_____
<br />I
<br />---------•---------------------- •-•--------- - - - - -- .................. ----------------------------------- - - - - -- -heirs and assigns, the premises so as aforesaid sold, to wit:
<br />_A. tract of land comprising apart of the southerly half (S 1/2) of lot ten X10) of
<br />the _ - _county - -- subdivision - -of the __ -south half of the southeast uarte- _-- (1r(2SE1 /4) --- of-----
<br />section_ - sixteen �.1�) .township eleven. ...... -4 e... T i4e .... (9) - -- est-- of the.- 6th - -p ..., j
<br />Hall County Nebraskax more__ particularity described as - -fol- lows: Beginning at a posn.t- on
<br />the___eas_terly___line_• o-f___ said lot_ -_ ten -___(l0)___sai d-- -p -Q•� ..t...being -one•,- hundred _ -- fount --- feet ---- (1.Q -4 -' )
<br />t�Q- x.kktQZly - -- f nom --- the --- s _au_the_a.s.t.._rQrxi_er --- of ---- said --- LQ_t_..ten ... U0).; ... xh.esac .e...00nt_inuing-- nQrthe_rly
<br />along the easterly - - -- line___ os - -- said- •lot.__ten•_-- (1p)_s -_A-__ distance-_ of-__ t;hirty__t?gt .... (30- '_)- -;_ -_- Thence
<br />Poai'i e;Thena easoelhgolthparallelrto theeeasterly ten stid,lo dtena(10). Atdistancee tan e o t rty eet e(384� to he place beginning and containing 9 � square feet
<br />rty - - z - -- 0 - -- ,- he.nc- - - -- t e_r1- - -- -ar lle l .Ln...the.._sout the..- - -- -
<br />more or .eas ................ •• - - - - -- with the appurtenances.
<br />_ na_ o_ _ _ i .t.en .-
<br />Mo joabe anb to J401b the Game unto the said - - - - -- Gar_ y_.__ a -dJor_---S.usan...J._._.Raae-nbach,---WRQS---
<br />„ .................................. ....................................................... ...... .......... ....... . . . . .. .heirs and assigns, and to them and their use and behoof forever.
<br />3n Matimony Wbertd, I have, as such Sheriff, hereunto set my hand this- . --- •------------------ .......
<br />.day of
<br />-- •-- • - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- •----- ...-- •....•
<br />-------------------- - -•---
<br />Executed and delivered in the presence of
<br />Sheriff of- ....... l H i a - -1 ll
<br />••--- • - --•- -• - - -- ----- ---•-- _... County, Nebraska.
<br />Hall On t his. 11 .. - -• -- -.day Of _4P ` ................. . . . . ..
<br />CountyOf - ...............°-----°------ ............-- •-- ° °-- °- °- . - - - -. -- - °-- -° -- ° °-
<br />10,2480,5,'before me, the undersigned -------- --'----...--- � ........ ......... .......
<br />"j-- -••
<br />in and for said county, personally appeared the satdC?[f=4��... _..7�1....- .. -___
<br />I
<br />JerTY J•=--- Wa- t -am ..... ........... ...................... ............ Sheriff Qf said County,
<br />to me personally known to be the identical person who signed the foregoing instrument as grantor, and
<br />he acknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed, as such sheriff, for the uses and purposes
<br />SEAL (herein set f orth.
<br />WittMOA my hand and o l the da and year above written.
<br />Its
<br />Mal
<br />