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<br />EXHIBIT ItAi, . <br /> <br />200510468 <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />A !:ue!: of lal:ld cOt:lprbil:lg a. part of. the SOl.: cl1eas i: .Qulll." Northe~s!: <br />Quarcp.1" (SE!. NE!) of Sectiol1 Tweuty Throe' (2J),To\;,;J.ShiP:EJ,.even,(1l) North , . R.anglt <br />rea (to) \.lest ofche 6th .p; M. ;anda'par~.qfLd~One' (L).',Jeane.tte"SubdivH10a. <br />all being in the City at' (;t"4ni:! . Islllnd; Hall. COU,l1~Y;"Nebi:astui'" aud lIlore <br />part1c:u1a.t'lydClacriblld a.8fo1101l'8: ", . . , . . <br /> <br />Bep,io.u'lng at .the sou thelist . ,,:orne'J:' "~f ..' s~;(d . Sou thl!;as t, Quarte~ of.'theNonheas~ , <br />QU<1rtcr (SE! NEt); .thellce N' 89 -3i' ....12'~.\.l,.along,D.nd::tipouth~.soi.tCItHneo f <br />add SO<1th'~ast Quartuof.:.tlle Nortlieast:.\:Quib~ter'.(SEr'NEi),.a:;d;1.stance ofOn~ <br />Thousand Tbt'ee EUQdred seventeeallod.1Wo';i:'eQtqs0317;20Jfeet~otbe:soUth....est <br />cornet' of Sdd. Southeast '.Quarter '. .cifthet;Nordiease,Quare'C!t'.':(SE!:NEi),;thence <br />N OO~ 02' 06" E.. dong 'Ilnd','upon,'the'we's5'~;1ine(ots'dd.Soudlliast;.QtJ.llrterof .the <br />UQI:'t:heastQu4t"tet: (SE!' NEl); a distao'ce:':6fF'ive' Hliodt-.edTlletltY'Eigbi:. (528.0) <br />feet to the southwest' corner.ot' Coilda SUb'division; ,thecce..SS9.34" 49"E. . <br />along ,atld upon the.. south. line of:said Gosdll. SUbdiids{on,llnd'.ilsoli'eJ.:ngalOQ$ . <br /><lod upon tlie'. prolongation .0fthe,nortb:,"l1neof .T,;OI;'O:::e"(lJ'"Jitanctte <br />Subdivision, a diStanc'o" "fEight . llundred':N;iue~Y.TWoili:id.S.evetltYOU~'Eiundredtb::; <br />(892.71) feet tOll paiat whlchiivEighty F1ii:e.(85...0)te~'evest:'oftbe' not'thves t' <br />corner c( said LOt .One( 1); Jea~etteSlibd1visioo; thence' is 00. 00 'OO"w-. <br />;')aralle1 lI'ith the Vest line. o.fsatd'Lot' Oue (1).:, Jeanette 'Subdivision, a . <br />distance of One l1undred ,.Seven.ty Four. (174.0)feet;;.thencQ'SB9.' 34'49/1' E,' <br />pat'anel'~d.tharid Fifty (~O.O), feet'north,:of:the south ,Une , c:il,'1l41d totOn.e <br />(1), Jeanett;1l Subdivision aael itsprolorigalf'!otl..':a 'dlstance'.,oIThi:'ee,UU'ridred <br />EiZhty Foul;'. (Ja4.0) .' feet 'to' ,a.""oQ,:the:ca:stUl:le:Qf,sa1d:toc Otuf(l), <br />.lemofltteSubdiv1dOQ; theDce$ '. OO.OQ'::OO'.')I,alptlg:aod UPOQ" tb'.;'eas~::l.1Qe.o f, <br />said Lot Onll,'C1J. JfUltlfH=tllSubdiV1S!OQ':"I:(':d.:lIl'i:Aa(:.o:f'P!It.1:(50'~O)fe:Q.t tQ'r:ho <br />8l;1~thea5!: career' :,0: l'laid LotOtJll(l) ;Jcatlette;',;;ubdiviilio[i:: tlletiee'Sa9" 34' <br />4'}"E, along o,tid uP'JO the Gouth ,Une.'qf ,1uoetti:Subdiv1dogJ .QdbtsQcfiof <br />Forty (40 ,0) 'feet to .the"soutbeast;"cornetOfuidJea.aec'to'!.f.on,' and <br />abo beIng Ii point oQ.the.'litl!l:oleaid"Southust,: QU4tt~~c,.t the':No'rtheas~. <br />GU.Jr~er (Sf! m:o; thancu 5.00.' 00 ;.,00"'1<1,' afQU8uo4 UpOl;P, th.' east 11110, ots<'!id ., <br />Southen/;lt QUJ1t'te to f. thft Not'~hcast)quartil"'(.SttNE1La' db ofThr~e <br />EUtldred Four .4ndSixty .Sev,en"Uuodtof.ltbi1i:(304.:li?>.: ..fiie t: . to;:thCl'po111l:of <br />bp.g1.i1nlUZ, I1tldc;:ol"itdn1ils 14 "227ac~e8"/'rQoreQr:1'etl8~..ol'''b:f.i.:h O.2nact'u. <br />11l{Jr;'P! or lon, kG PCen<<litl)" occupiCtd by pu~l.ti: ~oM;t:.{ . <br />. :'. '. ~ . . .. ,..j . <br /> <br />I"~, <br /> <br />.. <br />