<br />coverage amt other ,ee c,aired by Lell for damage lo, or destruction of, the Property. such policy shall include a
<br />standard mortgage claux and hall name Lead,, r as nwrlgagec and or as an additional loss payee.
<br />hI tile evol to f less. ful''.wo, shaIIgt e prompprnotice to the ansurair cc carrier aad Linder Lei del may slake proof
<br />of loss ifu tit made prompt k by Borm, cr. Unless Lcuder and Borrower otherwise agree to wntiag, any insure ce proceed, .
<br />whethero, not lh ands lyingmsulancvusr ,la d be I codes sha ll heupphodtomairatollu l tepan, o1ft11ePope«y. It
<br />the restoration or repro is eennomlealls leasib and Leudo,', oce t) is not lessened_ During such repair and re,Ic,at,rn
<br />period. Lender shall hate the right to hold such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such
<br />Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lender's sagsaction_ provided tha[such inspection shall be undertaken
<br />promptly. Leader may disburse proceeds to I' the repairs and restoration in a single retinal or, in a series of progress
<br />payments as the work is completed. tidesal"oveme a is made in w,It ingol'Apphcable l aw requires III to be paid
<br />on such insurance p,cceod,, Lender shall not be requir Led m pay Rorrnwer any interest m eanings on such proceeds. Fees
<br />for public adjuo,,,, or other if panics, mW fined by Borrower shelf not be paid out of Insurance proceeds and shall be
<br />it,, sole L bI,cliuu of Borrower. If the (close a i Ca 1 or repair is not ,on eeinica l Is le,,diIo of Lender's security would be
<br />lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whetheror notilaen due .
<br />wtfh the ceucas, if wry_ paid to Borrower_ Such Lelaare' proceeds shall be flailed in thcorde, Provided feet in Section 2.
<br />If Borrower abandons the Prt.I ... b, Icodcr po y file, negotiate and settle any evadable Insurance claim and related
<br />m:mers_If He"c cr docsnut l "'ford within of dnstoa notice from l ender thutlhc insomellcarrncr hasubbledleeseal ,u
<br />claim, then Lender may negotiate And scale the daiul- 'I Ile 30 -dvv period will begin when the nonce ts anon. Ill caber
<br />event, a it l crest L ires the Property undeh Section 22 or other ,lsc, Hot I'ouancoCity assigns to Lcuder(a) Bon owe,'s
<br />its to any relou'lell Pill, 111b, In lit amountrnth sxceed til area t- unpaid under the Note or this Nccauty In ne ent,
<br />,,no (h) any other ofBo meet s jIts (other ll ht the light to to an "ehndofa anted premiums and by Bell .,e, l older Al
<br />nsulance polieles co c' a the l L Opel M inSOl rIn, LI aright tie'Ppleable to tire c c 'd, of the Phopu'ty l rode, muv
<br />use the insurance proceeds elthei to repair or restore the Property or to pay amounts unpaid under the Note of till Secunty
<br />loswmeet, whether or not then due
<br />6. Occupancy, Bo ,two, shall occupy, esmbinsh, and use the It operty as Borrower's principal residence wilWn
<br />60 days AI., the execution of this Sceait, Instrument and still cadinue to occupy the Property as Bel 'I'ower's principal
<br />residence far at (cast one yell all,, the date
<br />of occupancy, unless Leader otherwise in writing, whidl consent shall not be unreasonmbly withhold or unless
<br />extenuating cocumumnccs exist ssluch are be,vnd Borrower's mnnol.
<br />7. Ptcscr,.dion,Maunenance a rid lrniectnnn ail the Pminrrly ;Inspections. Borrowershall not destroy.
<br />Ilueg, or nmpanr the Propc,t, allow the Pruov d to d,teriowte on commit,castc
<br />m rho Property Vr'Ilefi et or not Borrorcer Is t d r in the I Iuperty, Borrower shall nnaillain the Property in elect to
<br />prevent it,, Property from detenomaing ur dceleaSmg In ,ache due to is condition. LnIess it is determined Pursuant to
<br />Section 5 that repair of reso ation is not economicallyfe:eml, but, ,, shall promptly repa, the Property it damaged to
<br />mroid further deterioration or damage. 11 Bono duce or condemnation proceeds II, paid in connection ,yid, damage In, or the
<br />taking of, the Property, Borrower shall be respnnamb, Gx,sparring or L ,w,u, the Propery only if Lender has released
<br />proceeds for such purposes. Lend,I Ina, dedon I, sa .... dsfor the I pairs and rstcratam in a single payanent on at .scar,
<br />of progress payments as the, of it is compleed If the insurance or condeulaaior lo oceeds at e not sufficient to h,pair of
<br />restore the Property, Borrower is not rel loved of Borrower's obligation to, the completion of such ,Clair air restoration_
<br />Lender ar its agent re nmke reazonable enn'ios upon laid inspections u fthe Pro perry. [fit hasreasowble anise_
<br />Leader may inspect the interior of imps cc ements on the Property. Lender shall gne Borrower notice at the time of
<br />prior lu such an Intel not nnspe tot speci toling si ch reasonable cause.
<br />8. ISorrna-er9 Loan .lpplwatimn Bmlower shall be le default It during tire 1 oar applieamm poetess_
<br />rimecow r air any persons eI entities .cling at the dtrecuon of Bon'ower or with Borrower's knowledge o consent gme
<br />materially false- , sleudina. ..caurwo inlbnnaton ur slulcnleuls to Lender (or failed to p nvide Lender ,rtth material
<br />mtdrnaaton)in connection w alethe Loan. AIalcnul rcpresennnons me luda_but arc nw limit m, rcplueumtiuns cuucelnulg
<br />Borrower's ot,C aping' otthe l'rnpeny as Bouuwer s prillcipul Itibldonev.
<br />9. Protection of Lenecn's In[eteU [n the Proper" and Rights I: nder this Scrnrdt Inslruurcnl. It
<br />(a) Borrower falls to pertome the covenants and agrccomea corlalned in this Seeunty Instrument (b) there is a legal
<br />proceeding that might seam fi call ds affect Lender's lit cresI to the Property and / Or rights under this Security Instrument (such
<br />as a proceeding in barkni Ill ty, probate, tar con damnation m (brlbhoie, for enforcement ofd lien which may eaan p,torny
<br />over this Security Instrument or to enforce 1a,9 or he g u l ution s). or (c) I feel meel hlo, than demol the Pruperly. Ihcn Lendcl
<br />may do and pay toI''lla ever is reasnnabl' or uppmprala top nett Lenders Interest In the I'lliperty and rights under Ibis
<br />Security Instrnnnll, indudin protcctnng undo, assessing the value of the Properly, and sccuuag and .m epairitne the
<br />Property lender'sa,tmo,,da ins bode bull,,not totaled l¢(a)parting any sums secured by a hen witch has p,irnyme
<br />this Security hebroulcnl, (b) appearing no IIIIII, and (c) p.ry g reasonable anomcys' fees to protect its Interest In tine
<br />Plopstyand/oI nin, under the N11airy 11tsI111m111L i naludina Ill secured pee tin in a banlauptey ptnceedri=.Seairrn_
<br />the Property it lodes, but is not Hilt1d lo, entrains the Propcny to make rep s, charge looks, replace or bolud up doors
<br />and, indo„s. dim ,tact from popes.che inure bwlding u[ Odel code violaaous er ddngeroascoodul.11b, nod Ito' I'll dnes
<br />corned on or off Although Leiner lntp take side" once, thi, scene" 1), Leader does not hale to do so And tenet under any
<br />duly or obligation to do so. It is agreed that I oleo incurs no liability on not taking any m all actions u,,tl,odzed under' this
<br />Section 9
<br />My amotiu- disbursed by I ender under this Section 9 shall become additional debt of Burrower secured by this
<br />Seavity Instrument. Those untoon6 shall beat noup est of the Note sale if the date of dishe,,,mcnt and shall be payable.
<br />with such Interest, upon notice from forest'to Berimacr requesting Paymciil.
<br />Ifthis Secnuit, fist, unions is one teaselled, Od pollees' 11hall c nnply,ith all the provisions of lurlc. H B.ITm«cr
<br />acquires fee title to the Propels, rile leasehold and the to, lithe shell not mete, unless Lender agrees to the mehgen' in r, riling
<br />10. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Ivan,
<br />Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintim the Mortgage Leon aFICC in etlect. If, for any reason. the Mortgage
<br />Insurance courage required by London ceases to be a, salable from the mortgage insurer that Previously provided such
<br />Inallmrlle and But rower wvs required to make Itp,to,1111 designs cd payments Inward the PI emidnas fill Mortgage Insurance,
<br />Bouowershalllac the promiuna, requir,l to obtain olciagc stbscuou'lly cgana lent to the Mortgage in,l, ii ord,
<br />its effect, at a. t subelaufiully equal, elect W tire east to I lotor,lo ofthe Mortgage Insurance previously in effect. fall an
<br />Aerial, ro orteaae insurer selected by Lordch II substantially equivalent Met age Itseria coversae is nil n,oitohle,
<br />BouoweI shall contin ae to pay i Lender the anIDa it t o ft he s ererrc I desirod dprearsois Ihul w Cl due whin the uraol ante
<br />i Las erage ceased 1 o be I it etice t Lender wi 11 Le epl.useaadreta i n these p uvmen is as a non -refimda b I c Toss reserve in lot( of
<br />Mortgage Insurance. Such loss reset e she II led n oil- Iefoadahle, it Inv i the tardi rig the too that the LonI is ultimately paid nn
<br />lull, and Lord or shall not he required to pay Borroryet any Interest or earnings on such loss reserve Louder can no longer
<br />regatI, loss It e I Te pannenif I f Moit ,Igo t h e ayerae (in the amount and for the pc nod that Lend, e [hires)
<br />povide,I by an ....... sdcetc l by L rid , ngnt l bee Ones a, ,table I, obninei and Lundcr req,, r,, epamtel, deli pot ed
<br />pe'lolent, imy id the premium for Motaagel tic. It cinder required Mnlg'ngc lnmuareea a ond,tnon of ma tine the
<br />Loan and BoI'Inwcr was rcquued no make slope t I designated payments a ,and the prel n lot Mongae In andare_
<br />Bouuwer shall paythe Premt ins required ,, maintain Mon n O Insurance in oil ,cca. or to pieyide a non - refundable loss
<br />..serve. Berl I endon I, regaimmeut for nsurance ends in amadance wuh any wunt I agm'mcnt bon, le
<br />Burrower and Lord,, providing for such termination Or until Mutilation is rcquiled by Applicable Luw_ Nothing in this
<br />Socnon 10 dRecn Br.... r s elphec loon to p.q noisiest at the rare proraded nn the Note.
<br />Mortgage Insurance rnmbuoses I ender for any entity flat Purchases the Note) for certain losses it nwy Incur it
<br />Borrower does not repay the Lean as g[cod. Borrower is not parry to the Mortgage Insurance.
<br />N'FHRkSKA 1 1,l ".m if, — Pmmic,Aluc/Frtitle Aloc l'] tit 011 [IS I tit IIFNT Fonn.t028 1 /III (page d dl .'sell
<br />nSJCetlyl nl_-
<br />