<br />Loan No; 84522 1 (Continued): 2002t$417 .Page 5
<br />(o) Trusteeh'iey in the manner provided by law postpone "It of all or any podbn of Me Property.
<br />Remedios Not 15mUsive. Trustee and tender, and cash of them,. shall be entitle to micros payment and Performance of any
<br />fndooldruent or ob)4abote secured by Mis Dead of Trust and in purples all rights and pounds under Deed at Trust under: the Note,
<br />under any of the Related Documents, or under any other agreement or any laws now or hereafter In farce; rwtwNhamnding, some or all of
<br />such IhdatrfetlClega spit obligations secucod by this Deed of Trust ropy how or hereafter be atherwlp Assured, whether by martipge, dead of
<br />Ilan, pelgnhnenl or otherwwa, Neither the moepimolo of this Deed of Trust nor, Its onfarcemont, wlWher by mud act. or
<br />alauam the power of sale or other powers contained N this Deed of Trust, shot prejudice or any manner affect Thisom's or Lsel
<br />right to Rr41RIf aponar co allor any ether security "or heatable held by Trustee of Lender, it WN Bg[66d that Trustee and Latlal: and
<br />each ( thmm. shall be entitled to enter.. this Dead of Trued and any other security now or hereafter held by Lander or Tmetp-lo euph order
<br />and maruier as they or most of them may in their absolute dRwetlon. determine. No remedy cargerred upon or reserve to Trust" M
<br />Lender, Is Uaemfed fa be exclusive of any other remedy h this Trust or by law Provided or permitted, but each shall be atur alive
<br />end shal[baM addition in won, other remedy given in into of Trusto now w hereafter pLlteW anew of In eqully or by Walute. ery
<br />poWgt or remajy ghren by the Note:w any of the Reisted Dequmeryq „ter 7rusl9e er Lender Or'tO l�thffh 81�1,BY piiMelrf IMy be OlMalvelse
<br />eraMwtrrhay be'werobe,mncurrenay o kdepantlendy; irom9ma borne end p often as may be'deema- exPedjahtby Ttpta9 erLaMer,
<br />sod eshsf of iherrh may porous Incroslstent rertedlp. Nothing in tale peed of Truef shall be coptrua p prohlbHlnp larderlrom sasiorg e
<br />daflcleroy agpinst the Truster rothe eztent euoh eoddn k pRmoa by law FAemxm:py.'landsr to pgmge airy lmrnaY bhNl not
<br />pclhxlsta uFb Ir of any cthsr rsrredY, anti p. eleoten b make eKpentllWres or tolake actor to perform pq oGigalion o1 Truster uMeriffls
<br />Deed d Tru¢t Grier TNSfN6 failure toanorm, shell not aHeotlsnder'$ dphl o Geprare a delault and exeraoa$s reni@dws
<br />for, 1,101114 Tnfstor, on behalf of( Truster and Len*oq'jimgby rgquid Gist a copy of any No_upa of Default and a copy of any Notice
<br />a,+iMer thin Dal Tmet be ma11W lit them at W gtldrgeQstm%rlh in morylgt ppmgreph 6('Htle 6aeifrin'irLEt
<br />Attamo”' Fees: all If Lender Institutes any suit or action te'aPferce any, of the terms pf ilia pad ofirua4 Londerelfall he shifted
<br />to resove(man sum es the court may ad) nd"ga reponable as per( fees at bad mil Upon myoppsai" IW edger 0 W any oourt m is
<br />InvWved, and to lhs wheat not prohibited by law, all reAsgnapP�f@@:Jjx Lendor Inputs that m„ ors gWiW are necessary at are time
<br />fal'the p(ateodon of Its Interest or the antorcem9of er rid v<ghT&:, It a wed of me Indeb es pAya"bta on'detrend andshilllbear
<br />imereat'af the Note rate from the data of the expendhure, untl Pepaid,,r Expanses, coversdrop.Hi s Oamgraph awlude, without Arpitaton,
<br />however subject to any limits under applicable taw. Lenders atlprneyat fees and (ardor's legal BxpQaaes, whether or not there a oJoesuH, -
<br />axeudep.9lLomsys` fees and expenses lot bmkruptgy pmga ( IgdNgeHtlrfa m modHy aj yeast. any tfuWmatk stay dr MJunotion),
<br />Uppsals and any anaolpalsc post judgmunl Qdlecdon servoB&, a li" of search g records q lnhtg Gds rgpor(c'fincludog loradosWe
<br />,opens) QOrvayprs' reports, and appraisal fuses Gds bea mine, g for the Thaler to tWq!SP pefmltigd bj"appldabha laws TNator
<br />alga wgl paytlry ccun coats. in addPoon m ail other aurpprbvltdsd.p9 jtw t
<br />Rights of Truales. Trustee shall have all of the rights and duties otu oarm setkxml, the`eeaton
<br />PDWERISANE0e110An©Ns OFTRUSTEE ThefdkavingpYOVkidnb stalling to theppwors and 4b igidP1fe ,of%$%K;ate pad oftnta Dead of
<br />Trust.•...
<br />PdWers at Traatp: In Wilson ta all powers of Tmatpadanlyho erentorof lavf,.Trafas ehallfiave Gre povnnto taketha:fdbwplg.Ng"
<br />with respect W fie Property upon the written request of Lorklor are h star: (a) lain in prepping and filing a n*p or plat `ol Ge Reel
<br />Prgarty, Nc{uQin &re detlgption of dome or other rlgbtaJadae•pyl�lq .p7) lokh Ip granting soy. t or plating any raepictipr on to
<br />Real PlapadY' aryl (U Idn in any subordination or oGtefagYeera MVef, efrl thisZad of Trust aOra MQfagtdf °pandenundso this Daldof
<br />Trust
<br />Tmstee. Traelp shall meet all qualifications required tar Trustee fdafai mplio a low, In ado rights unit reriedlas-aet for
<br />above, ra417at he all,or -any pert of the Property, me TYaetBH slave me th formic", IV>�ad 1pl0.wrtl L4rdaf'*at two
<br />the daiifo',tdleslaila'byludlcial forecosure,Ineith.r'paa-InooddhahlettotharMVp the full exiabtpev, spite, claw• c .
<br />SuaaW WF Trustee. - Larder, at Lenders opiwn ff*T' Nit h , 'Id' appoml a aumeeaor Tiueteadd ahyy.:Trutt" appointed ender this ..
<br />Deed ,at Trust by an treatment p.W d and eckrehalplged lan�and reao`tded N the a111�g¢pt_jM�ak. 4'M1'or af'N®i gUUW Slate of
<br />N@brmkl , The Ivstmmem seal contain, m atlanrory,fa @Iltadrgt+AN�iN- ' redbg to law,th�'9wue4 oflhdddVnN 1 -ender, Truamg, and
<br />Truster, G+s boo 6 and page to computer §yaYem r9(era�) `W�1�d.`ifl�Deed!Ri uei la rote and ngma -end addAOCilo} me
<br />suites I, and the aeirunsm erlelI po oxeeul@$ rind by 411 the bensis 6¢ 40a 'j ^th13 „Dead of h17et or:mea ,
<br />successors I rest, The aucapsor trustee, wiWOUCp3rfvgya[[gilk'9 pBM1y, shall Auaoaadde q`iI'Ne des. ppWar and dutldAaniehe
<br />upon to Trustee In this Deed. of Trust and by applto IpW :TNS>3smapdure [mesobstituWn of Ualdos aW gMemdo.#he polasron of all
<br />other prodexms let substitution...
<br />NOTICES. Any lWhca nothd adio he given Under Mi. Deerl of Tres44ripsWlet; without itall .son any teddstedefaWt and my notice M sele'ddaii
<br />be given In Wridng, and shad be effective whenacNedy dalwared, whsn &;tally re owed by tplafaaknlla jwdap othUnvise requaad,by.Wwy,
<br />when deposited with a nalhgially recognize overnight coudef, drH tredad,,whm deride in me 1dnHSd jimbas male. 4e.•Gmt cjsss, codified or
<br />registeredmot postage prepaid, closeted to the addresses motor note me&bggnning of this Dee of,TidsL Ad ooplee, of optical of foreclosure
<br />item the trader of any Ion which has priority over this Dead of Trust 099 $act to tender's addreu f, aiAfWWn apr lho begnrdhg of this pea
<br />of Trust Any peaty trey change Its address tot notkp under this Dinf4of YP* by 910d; smidl widen $odes to the other Mae, sppevgg -that
<br />Me purpose M the notice is m change the arty s address Rornuifog,pug�11¢aa, Truator agneea w kegp:LNlx)q[ VJprtna eta0 limps of vas
<br />current sddras.'Urdess otherwise provide or required by IaN, M:1N9ra16 oars Man'ap Truster, . any ncloe,pNUn by Lerdar to ery Trutnor Is
<br />deemed to be padca given b all Trusters
<br />MI$GELLl1NECUS PROVISIONS. The following mkoellaneous prodelgmerea adofthis Dead of Tnipb
<br />Amgndea mi This Deed of Trust, together with any Berth d 0egurpifrgs oansUililas the amne u}kfgahpipg ard'agro
<br />tot the pop
<br />es m the ihaft".etodh in mis Dee of Truer e sh�1 be'otloi u
<br />given In Until
<br />andleoylad by the party. tidies sought m be chergeor boWrdty- thealtomtlonpr Amendmem'
<br />Annual RopuNa If the "Prcpeny p we farpurpcsgs omeNMan TfietmNe rpld9nsa, Truser shell /ulniehlo Lancer, uan fsque t,a Om ided
<br />sotemoital net operating dooms receive from me Property% ".during Trusat's provoous local yesr'in euoh term arrd tl121 p Lander shall
<br />require. 'Net operating ]me.' shall mean at cast recehpte Jrpm-t,ths Proarty leas all cash caper net mado'In ocrmatlon.wath the
<br />operation of the Property.
<br />CaptImi tapoinge. Cal)dan haedirhps th mis Dead of TmsC arsGfogs�j] eniencm pdrpasae only arhn:are nW to be used fee „Interpret or dada
<br />topottleNns offN4Dead of Trust
<br />MMgote held b shall rt nomerger Lander Interest orpatao cre{fa g�yctho 4ced,q/ Trust wino any other khterpt or'eslme o the PropaN at
<br />arty lime held by or for the benefit of lendertn any caaunry, withal the wrPoOn masent el LaMar.
<br />soverning Low. This Deed of Trust will to, governed by, emanated end Unloosed In acconjim a with tedand law and the Iawsol the
<br />Stoo, ofN:sbral This Dptl of Trust has been nominate by Landertnthe&etaat Nebm$W
<br />Chat” of Vance. H there is a lawsuit Truster agrees upan'LBrtdafa squad to submit to the Jurisdiction W No courts of Meniok County,
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Joint and Soverol Wabldy. All ONlgatiens of Truatpr under this Deed of Trust shad be joint and several, and all references m Truttor shell
<br />mean pghand every Truster: This means that each TroNO.Igntall belaW is responsible for all onji"Up in this Deed of Trust
<br />No'Witiver by Leader,, Lander shall not be deemed to have, whavoo any rights under this ¢ae'xH Trust undess ouch Walter is give in
<br />writing and signed by Lender. No delay or mission on the part W Lander In exemleing any right shall operate ere a'onsher of such night or
<br />any sthaf:dght A waiver by Lender of a prwiabn of the Desd:of Trust O*Il rot pmludlca ercona Kuw a walverof Larders dgM Otherwise
<br />to demand drat compliance with met prwidar or any other provmlpt of:this Dead of Trust No prior walvar by Lender, nor any cauise of
<br />dealt; ;bdeseen Lander add Tmstor, shall console" 4 wah'er:bf any of Lenders rigors or of any of Tmstors obligations p W art/ humre
<br />Irapapaps. Whenever the consent of Lender is required most Matted of Trust, the gouging of sych consent by Lender In any Instance
<br />anal( not emsdture oWinuing eancers,0 thdamu.ra,losence9 Whom such oueent Is regvind lmd In effuse" each consent tray be
<br />granta a withhold In the sole discretion of Lander.
<br />Saverlblllty..If a court of competent jurisdiction finds anyprovglen of Me Deed of Trust W be nagal, Invalid or unerforcedd as to any
<br />