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11/27/2002 11:27 FAK_14024714429 NEBRASKA UCC <br />U" <br />109 t r to I <br />Form 666 (Z) Ce f <br />(Rav: 10 -2000) <br />Area: a e <br />SKALL BUSINESS /SELF EMPLOYED AREA #9 <br />Lien Unit Phone: '414? 297 -5211 399828617 <br />I certify that the following -named taxpayer, under the requirements of section 8325 (a) <br />of the Internal Revenue Code has satisfied the taxes listed below and all statutory <br />addl *ions. *.Therefore, the lien provided by Code section 6321 for these taxes and <br />additions has been release. The proper officer in the office where the notice of <br />internal revenue tax lien was filed on Cctober 13 <br />1998 , is authorized to note the books to show the release of this lien for <br />these taxes and additions. <br />Warne of Taxpayer <br />EDWIN E & ARDITH L KOKES <br />Z 004/005 <br />cording Office <br />I • UCC tn9 <br />-9 Paz: 1 <br />L <br />12002 00:43 AM <br />200213208 <br />Residence 3 210 E GREGORY <br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 <br />COURT <br />RECCRDNG INFORMAT <br />Liber Page UCC No. <br />Serial No <br />n,/a n. /a n /.a <br />98-109962( <br />Tax Period <br />Last Day for <br />Unpaid Balance <br />Kind of Tax <br />Ending <br />Identifying Number <br />Assessment <br />Refilling <br />of Assessment <br />to) <br />(b) <br />(C) <br />(d) <br />(e) <br />W <br />1340 <br />12/31/1982 <br />507 -40 -9751 <br />11/17/1988 <br />12/17/1998 <br />53CO2.84 <br />1040 <br />12/31/1983 <br />507 -40 -9751 <br />11/17/1968 <br />12/17/1998 <br />5620.86 <br />1040 <br />12/31/1984 <br />507 -4C -9751 <br />1-1/17/1988 <br />12/17/1998 <br />28400.58 <br />Place of Filing Register of Deeds <br />Hail P03OX 1692 <br />`rand Island, NE <br />This notice was prepared and signed at <br />the 24th day of November , 2002 <br />Total $ 87024.30 <br />68802 -1692 <br />MILWAUKEE, WI , or this, <br />Sig,iature I Title Compliance Technical Support <br />Manager <br />(MOTE: Certificate of cffi;er authorized by law to ,ake acknowledgments :s not es <br />Feceral Tax lien Rev. Rul. 71 -466, 1971 - 2 C.B. 409; <br />Part I • RECORDING OFFICE <br />to the validity of Certifica-Le of Release of <br />Farm 661 (Z) (Rev. 10 -2000) <br />CAT. ,jO 600261 <br />