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200210778 <br />25. NOTICE. Unless otherwise required by law_ anv notice shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail to the <br />appropriate party S adthuss on page I of this Security Instrument, or to any other address designated in wriling. Notice to one <br />Rustor will be deemed to be notice to all'fmstors. <br />26. WAIVERS. Except to the extent prohibited by law. Truster waives any right regarding the marshalling of liens and assets, and <br />hereby releases and waives all rights under and 1w virtue of the homestead exemption laws of this state. <br />27. OTHER TERMS. If checked. the following are applicable to this Security Instrument <br />© Line of Credit. The Secured Debt includes a revolving line of credit provision. Although the Secured Debi nay be <br />reduced to a zero balance. this Secunh Instrument wilt remain in effect until rcicased. <br />© Cnnslruclion Loan. This Security Instrument secures an obligation incurred for the construction of an improvement on <br />the Proper. <br />® Fixture Filing. Tmstor grants to Beneficiary a security interest in all goods that TnjSmr owns now or in the failure and <br />that are or will become fixtures related to the Property. 'Phis Security Instrument suffices as a financing slalcmmd and <br />any carbon, photographic or other reproduction may be filed of record for purposes of Article 9 of the Uniform <br />Commercial Code. <br />Fn Additional Terms. <br />28. STATEMENT OF CONDITION. From time to time, as required by law, Rcncficiary shall furnish to Trustor or its agent such <br />statements as may be required concerning the condition of the Secured Debi. Rcuefieiary will charge a fee for such statements as <br />may be permitted by law. <br />29. RECONVEYANCE. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Renclician shall request Trustee to reeonvey <br />the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and any note or instrument evidencing the Secured Debt to the Trustee. <br />Trustee shall reconvey. without warranty, the Property or that portion secured by this Security Instrument. To the extent permitted <br />by law, the reconveyance may describe the grantee as 'the person or persons legally entitled thereto." Neither Beneficiary nor <br />Trustee shall have :my, duty to determine the rights of persons claiming m he rightful grantees of am reconveyance. Beneficiary <br />will charge a fee for such reconveyance as may be permitted by Inv. <br />30. RIDERS. If checked, the following are applicable to this Security InSirunnenl_ The cuvenans and agreements of each of the <br />riders checked below are incorporated into and supplement and amend (lie terms of this Security Inswment. <br />( Third Party Rider <br />f Leasehold Rider <br />© Other <br />SIGNATURES. By signing below. Tmslor agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument mid in any, <br />attachments. Tmstor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Security tnstmmcrn on the date slated on page 1. <br />M <br />NEBRASKA -DEED OF I RI1S I' <br />EQ 1271'(06&2004) <br />