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200210515 <br />Lot Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third Subdivision, a distance of Six <br />Hundred Twenty and Fifty Eight Hundredths (620.58) feet to a <br />northeast comer of said Lot Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third <br />Subdivision; thence S00 020'57 "W, along and upon an east line of said <br />Lot Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third Subdivision, a distance of Ten <br />and Four Hundredths (10.04) feet to a northeast corner of said <br />Fairacres Dairy Third Subdivision; thence S88 °56'06 "E, along and <br />upon a north line of said Lot Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third <br />Subdivision, a distance of Seventy Five and Four Hundredths (75.04) <br />feet to a northeast comer of said Lot Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third <br />Subdivision, said point also being on the east line of the Northwest <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW l /4, SW 1/4) of said Section <br />Twelve (12); thence S00°26'34 "W, along and upon an east line of said <br />Lot Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third Subdivision, and also being <br />along and upon the east line of said Northwest Quarter of the <br />Southwest Quarter (NW l /4, SW 1/4), a distance of Ninety Nine and <br />Ninety Four Hundredths (99.94) feet to a northeast comer of said Lot <br />Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third Subdivision, said point also being <br />the northeast comer of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest <br />Quarter (SW] /4, SWl /4); thence S88 °48'02 "E, along and upon a <br />north line of said Lot Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third Subdivision, a <br />distance of Three Hundred Twenty Eight and Twenty Four <br />Hundredths (328.24) feet to the northeast comer of said Lot Three (3), <br />Fairacres Dairy Third Subdivision; thence S00 013'36 "E, along and <br />upon the east line of said Lot Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third <br />Subdivision, a distance of One Thousand Two Hundred Seventy and <br />Seven Tenths (1,270.70) feet to the point of beginning and containing <br />25.414 acres, more or less; <br />desire to have subdivided as a subdivision the foregoing tract of land, and hereby submit to the City <br />Council of such City for acceptance as provided by law an accurate map and plat of such proposed <br />subdivision, to be known as FAIRACRES DAIRY SEVENTH SUBDIVISION, designating <br />explicitly the land to be laid out and particularly describing the lots, easements, and streets belonging <br />to such subdivision, with the lots designated by number, easements by dimensions, and streets by <br />name, and propose to cause the plat of such subdivision when finally approved by the Regional <br />Planning Commission and the City Council to be acknowledged by such owners, certified as to <br />-3- <br />