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200210447 <br />EXHIBIT "A' <br />PARCEL 1: A pail of Block Two (2), Koehler Subdivision, loaned upon a pare of the SEl/48W114 of <br />Section 15, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County and a part of Lot 14, of the <br />County Subdivision of the W1 /2SWR /4 of Section 15, Township It North, Rang 9 West wf the 6th P.M., <br />Hall County, Nebraska more particularly described as follows "l: <br />Commencing al a point on the North boundary line of said Block which point It 160 fed East of the <br />Northwest corner of said Black marring thence South parallel with the West boundary line of said Black <br />for a distance of 204.9 feet to a point on the Northerly boundary line of the Belt Una of the Chicago, <br />Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, resulting thence In a Northeasterly direction along and upon <br />said Northerly boundary line of said Bell Lim for a dismace of 62A feet, running theme Northerly <br />parallel with the Westerly boundary line of sold Block for a distance of 175 het to the North line of sold <br />Bloch, rousing theme West along and upon said North boundary line of said Block for a distance of 55 <br />feel to the piece of beginning <br />PARCEL 2: Lot Three (3), Block Ten (10), Gilbert's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hell County, <br />Nebraska <br />PAREL 3; Lot One (1), in Black Five (5). in Pmt,hlB Second Subdivision, an Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, Hail County, Nebraska <br />PARCEL 4: A tract of land located In the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SWl /4NW1 /4) <br />of Section 7kentyone (21), Township Elesen (11) North, Range Nice (9) War of the 6th P.M., Hall <br />County, Nebraska mom particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 33 hot west and $2,7 feet <br />earth of the southeast corner of sold Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 21, running <br />thence northerly along and upon a line which L 33 fed "of and parallel to sold 1/16 section line, a <br />distance of 110.9 has, thence deflection left 53' 54' and melting westerly 39.17 reel to the Imarsectim of <br />the northerly loot of Let I. Block 5, Forklift! Second Subdivision, as Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, Nebraska, H extended, thence deBecling left 231 59' and moaning southwesterly along and upon <br />the northerly line of said Lot 1, Block 5, if astesuded, a distance of IM fat to the northeast comer tried <br />Lot 1, Block 5, sold lest two described sides of said tract also being along and upon and abutting the <br />southerly side of OWaboma Street so said Street was recently attended to connect with the county rand <br />abutting this tract on the net thecae southeasterly along and upon the easterly line of said Lot 1, Block <br />6, a dhtaam of 116.4 feet in the point of beglaelog. <br />
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