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200210379 <br />Exulnrr "n" <br />Feet of Lot 'ihiea, (3), Scheel's <br />A tract of land crnnprising 4ate East One Hundred <br />Sixty -rive (165.0) NcUraska, and mole <br />Subdivision in Hall Com:Cyr "'hence West 11 <br />particularly described as follows: beginning at L-he <br />Sou Lheast Corner of said Lot Three l3) a distance <br />along the. SOUL line of said <br />(165.0)1 LFeet l3 thence North <br />of one Hundred Sixty-• <br />parallel to the East line of said Lot Three l3 , a Irteell <br />distance of rive Ihuidroe. ll hof eth, klorClwesterly 11110 lOf <br />(503.14) Feet to the thence Nor L-heas terly along <br />said Lot 'Three (3) , <br />Northwesterly line of said Lot Three (3) , thence a <br />distance of Uue 'lull lec ti Y9 -Two <br />left , l d glreese2 /1'10" <br />(162.0) Peet; _ line <br />and running Northeaster) a aloe q the e of Pives HURC1red <br />of said Lot 'Three (3) , lour Lljc edihs (5'79.34) Feet <br />Seventy -Nine and Th3.r Cy -' <br />to the point of Legiuuing. <br />