<br />1. Payments. Borrower agrees to make all paymmnts on the secured rich, when due. (Jules, Borrower and Lender agrcc otherwise, any payments Lender receives from
<br />Borrower at for Borrower s benefit will be strip led first m any amounts Borrower owes on the semned deb, exeludve of!consist or principal, sound m Imareet end her to
<br />principal. Ifpatlo prepayment of the secured debt occurs for any reason, n will not reduce or excuse my scheduled payment until the secured debt is paid in full.
<br />2. Claims Against Title. Borrower will pay nil taxes, assessments, and curer charges attributable to the property when due and will defend title to the property against
<br />any claims which would impair the lien of this deed of must. Lender may require Borrower to assign my rights, claims or defenses which Borrower may have against
<br />panics who supply labor or mmerials In Improve or maintain the property.
<br />3. Insurance. Borrower will keep be property insured under harms acceptable to Lender m Borrower', expense and for Lenders benefit All b¢urnm'e Wllcits shall
<br />include a standard mortgage clause in favor of Lender. Leader will he named as loss payee or as the insured on any such insurance policy. Any insurance proceeds may be
<br />applied, within Lender's discretion, to either the restoratima or repair of the damaged property or to the secured debt If Lender requires mortgage ineura art, Runaway
<br />agrees to maintain Such insurance fora lonely Lender rehires.
<br />4. Pieper". Borrowerwill kecptheproperty in goodcoMition and makeall repairsreasmnably necessary .
<br />5. Fxpensrs. Bortowcr agrees m pay all Lender's expenses, including reasonable annmeys' fees, if Borrower breaks my wvenams in this deed of lust or in any
<br />obligation semned by this deed of true t. Borrower will pay Uesc amounts to Lander as provided ire Covenant 9 efthis deed affair
<br />6. Prior Security Interests. Unless Borrower first obtains Lenders written contest, Borrower will not make or permit my charges to my prior security Interests.
<br />Bormweh will perfnnn all of Borrower's obligations under any prior mortgage, deed of trust or other security agreement including Borrower's covenants to make payments
<br />when duc.
<br />p. Assignment of Rents sad Politics. Borrower assigns to Lender me rents and profits of be property_ Unless Borrower and Lender have agreed otherwise in wtiting,
<br />Borrower may collect and retain the rents as Ieng as Borrower is not in default If Borrower defaults, Lender, Lender's agent or a court appointed receiver may take
<br />pnesessinn and manage the property and wheel the rank. Any cents Lender voles shall be applied fin, m the wets of managing rite property, including court costs and
<br />attorneys fees, commissions to rental agents, and my other necessary related expenses- The remaining amount of ants will then apply to payments on the secured debt as
<br />provided in Covenant I.
<br />S. Leaseholds; Condominiums, Planned Unit Developments. Borrower agrees to comply with the provisions of any lease if this deed of trust is on leasehold. If this
<br />decd of trust is on n unit in a to ndontinimn or a planned unit development Borrower will perform all of Borrower's duties under the covenants, by laws, or regulations of
<br />the condominium or planned unit development.
<br />9. Authority of Lender to Perform for Borrower. If Borrower fails to perform, any of Borrowers duties under this deed of trust. Under may perform the dudes or
<br />cause them to M1e performed. Lcndcr may sign Borrower's name or pay any amstrat fnecessary for performance. Ifany construction on the penperty is discontinued or not
<br />carried run in a restorable manner, Lender may do whatever Is necessary to protect Lender's security interest in the property_ This only include completing Ilan censtmctioa_
<br />Lender', failure to perform will not preclude Lender from exercising ary or its other rights trader the law or this deed of mist.
<br />Any amounts paid by Leader to protect Lender's security names, will he secured by this deed of trust. Such amounts will be due on demand and will boar interest from the
<br />date cl'thc payment until paid In full at the Interest rate In effect on the secured debt
<br />10. Defnk and Aceelcration. If Borrower fails to make any payment when due or homes any covenants under this decd oftmst or my obliga tion secured by this decd of
<br />most or any prior mortgage or decd of trust Lender may accelerate rho nmtanty ofthe secured debt and demand immediate payment and may invoke the paum m'sale and
<br />any othe armcdie, pennhted by applicable law.
<br />I1. Request f le Notice of Default. It is hereby requested Out copies art fit, notices ofdefadt and sale he sent to each person who is a party hereto, at the address ofeach
<br />such person, asset forth herein
<br />12. Power of Sale. IfOC Lender invokes she power of sale, the Trustee shall first record in the office of the register of deeds of each ootmty wherein the trust property or
<br />some part or pawl thereof is siataad a notice of default containing the information required by law, ']be 'I mine shall also mail copies of the notice of default to the
<br />Borrower, to each person who is a part, he,etn, end to other persons as premdbed by npptrughle Iew_ Not less than one month after the Trustee records the notice of default
<br />or months if due trust property is not in any incorporated up' or village and is used in funning operations wrtied ore by the trusts, the Trustee shall give poll is notice of
<br />ode write persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law_ Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall set the property at public auction to the highest bidder. It
<br />required by the Farm Homestead Protection Act Trustee shall offer the or in Iwo separate sales as required by applicable law. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any
<br />parcel of the property by public announcement at the time and place ofany previously scheduled suit, Larder or its designee ntay purchase the property at any sale.
<br />Upon receipt of payment of price bid, '1'ensure shot deliver Is Ne pufcltme, Trustee's deed was eying rite property. The necitials contained in Trustee's deed shall be
<br />prime facie evidience of the mash of the statements contained therein. 'fmstcc shall apply the proceeds of me sale to me following order pq to all expenses of the sale,
<br />including, but not limited w. reasonable Trustee's fees,, resoluble atom,, y s fee, and reinstatement fee,; (b) to all some secured by this decd of ,a,,, and (o) be balance, if
<br />any, is the persons legally entitled to receive It
<br />13. Foreclosure. At lender `s option, this deed octant may be onvolused in the hnanner provided by applicable law for foreclosure ofntmtgages on real property.
<br />14. Inspection Lender may enter the property to inspect it if lender gives Rorrnwe. notice hehlrehand. The notice must state the reasonable ease for I sander 's
<br />nnpcc,imi
<br />15. Condemnation. Borrower assigns to Lender the proceeds of any awards cairn for damages concerned with a condemnation mother taking of all or any part of the
<br />property Such proce eds will be applied as provided is Covenant1. This assignment is subject to the terms rfur, prior security amcconed.
<br />16. Waiver. By exercising my remedy available to Lender, Lender does not give up any rights in later use any other remedy. By not exercising any remedy upon
<br />Borrower's default, Lender does not waive any right to later consider the event a dethult If it happens again.
<br />IJ. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. All duties under this deed of must as joint and several Any Burrower who co-signs Nis
<br />decd of Bust but does not cosign the tmdeflying debt instruments(,) dues so only to grant and convey that Borrower's interest in the property to the Trustee under the terms
<br />of this decd ottrust. In addition, such a Be rower agrees that the Lender and any ether Borrower under this deed oftrust may extend, modify or make any otter changes in
<br />the ,emu of thus deed polecat or the secured debt without Nat Borrower's consent and without releasing Oat Borrower from the terms of this deed ottrust.
<br />The dude, end bought, of Ola Jew( ofmst shall bind and benefit the suocesson and assigns all cader mW Bomuwt,r
<br />In Notice. Unless mi erwise required by law, any notice to Bsrmwe, shall be given I, delivering it or by mailing it by certified mail addressed to Bun war at We
<br />property address or my other address that Borrower has given to Lender. Borrower will give my notice to Lender by certified mail to Lender's address on page I of Oil
<br />deed of bust or to any other address, which lender has designated_ Any other notice in Lender shall he sent to Lender's address as stated on page 1 of this deed oftmst.
<br />Any notice shall he deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given In the manner stated above.
<br />19. 'Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in the Burrower. If WI or may part of the property or my interest in it is solo m tmuderred without the Leader s
<br />prior muffin consent, I ender may demand immediate payment afhe secuad debt lender may also demand immediate payment if the Borrower is not anatural person and
<br />a beneficial interest in me Borrower ismld or Ilomfa red _ However, Lender may not demand payment in the above s i t u s a i d W i t is prohibited by fictional law as ofill, Jute
<br />of thi, deed of mutt.
<br />20. Reaonveyaaec When me obligation scoured by has deed of trust has been paid, and Loader has no Other obligation, to name advances under the hens mets or
<br />agreemerns secured ]w this deed almost. the Trustee shall, upon written request by the Lender, reconvey the trust property. The Lender shall deliver to the Borrower, or is
<br />Borrower's successor in interest the trust deed mdtbe note or otire, evidence coffin obligation so satisfied. Borrower shall pay any recordation cost.
<br />21. Successor Trustee. Lenderat Lender'soption,nhaymanove TiusteeandappointasnceessortrnsOeby tirstmmilingewpy sfthesubs ,iwtionuftmsteeasrequired
<br />by applicable law, and then, by tiling Oe substitution of timAde for mas In the office of the register of deeds of each counts In which the trust property, or some pan
<br />thereof.i,situated. Tha suooessor rcustce, wlthmn cnnvganw of the property, shall succeed to all the poweq duties, authority and title ofthe Trustee named in the deed of
<br />that and of ary successor bustle
<br />