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DEED OF TRUST <br />PARTIES: This Deed of Trust is made an 09/092002 a,hung, the Gra lm,, JUDITH A MURPHY AND BUNNI Tl' R MURPl IY, JR W IFI'. <br />AND HUSBAND ( °Borrower "), <br />ARIlND R BAACK, ATTORNEY, whose residence address is R O. Res 990, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska ( "Trustee "), and the <br />Beneficiary, HOMR FP.DER AL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, a corporation organised and existing under the <br />sLoss of NEBRASKA whose address is 221 SOUL H LOCUST STREET, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 ( "Lander ") <br />CONVEYANCE: For value received, Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the real property, of <br />which Borrower is IawCIIy seized, described below and all buildings, fixtures, and existing and future improvements thereon and all rights -o& <br />way, easements, rents, issues, profits, income, tenements, hereditaments, privileges and any appurtenances thereunto belonging (all called the <br />`property "). <br />PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2109 F: S'I'OLLEY PARK RD, GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska 68801 <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br />LOT FOUR (4), IN SANDY BHACI I SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />Located in Hall County, Nebraska <br />TITLE: Borrower convenants and warrants title to the properly, except for <br />SEC FRED DEBT: This deed of trust secures to Lender repayment of the secured debt and the performance of the convenants and agreements <br />contained in this deed of trust and in any other document incorporated herein_ Secured debt, as used in this deed of trust, includes any amounts <br />Bomwer owes m Lender trader this deed of trust or under any instrument secured by this deed of trust, and all modifications, extensions and <br />renewals thereof. <br />I'lie seemed debt is evidenced by (List all instruments and agreements ,armed by this deed of trust Find the dates thereof). <br />jI APRC ?dIVORY 1JOiI! ANDSECURIT Y ACREEMF.N'1 DATED 09 /09/2002 <br />Future advmmes: The above amount is secured even though all or part of it may not yet be advwmed. Future advances ere <br />coiner plated and will be secured to doe same extent as if ..dean the dale oftlas deed eftrus[ is executed. <br />U Rev olviag l ou of credit agreement dated _ __ ,wish initial annual in[eres[ rote of__% <br />All arum nts Owed under this agrccmcN are secured even though all amounts may not yet he advanced. F'umre advances under <br />the agreement arc contemplated and will be secured to Ilse same extent as if made on the date this deed of trust is executed_ <br />The above obligation is due and pnyahle on September 16, 2007 Taut paid earlier. <br />"Dir total unpaid balance secured by this deed of trust at any one time shall not usceaJ a maximum principal amomrt of $11,231.06, plus <br />inmresu plus ony amounts disharsed undcr the terms of this deed of trust to protect the security of this deed of trust or tr perform any of the <br />covenants cmdained in this decd of trust, with interest on such disbursements. <br />U 'Variable llate:'I'he interest rate on the obligation secured by this deed oft rust may vary according to the terms of that obligation. <br />r� A copy of the lean agreement containing the terms undcr whirl We interest rate may va,V is attached to this deed of trust and <br />made a pars hereof <br />RIDERS: ASSIGN%llN "I' OF RENTS <br />DF SIGNATION OP 11 OMI(.S I'LAD <br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Protection Act, designation a homestead iOfmched la dais deed of trust and made it part hereuf has <br />hccn disclaimed; the disclaimer is attached to this deed oftrust and made a port hereef <br />SIGNA'I'll RES: By signing below, Ilorrawer agree to the terms and constraints contained at this deed of trust, including those nn page <br />2, and m any odors dtxrlbed above signed by Be,. ower. <br />/ > / <br />1/ a lst hel i <br />JVDlTD A MURPIAN ,! /� BENNETTRMU PDY; JR <br />Al' KNOWLFD6N1EN'1: STATE OF NEBRASKA, I IA <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged befr <br />Dy Jt1D1TH A tIURPHY AND RBNN'IFI "I' li M <br />My commission expires s:'� - <br />GENERAL NOTARY SI& at Rebuild, <br />PATSY A KALKOWSKI <br />My Gomm. EV. April 24, 2003 <br />al <br />T b <br />\ <br />rat <br />e �, <br />o <br />O <br />C <br />l to <br />a <br />Ca <br />- <br />9 <br />�- <br />c� <br />a <br />N' <br />v <br />2. <br />x <br />; <br />d <br />n <br />n <br />, <br />an <br />20Q.2 1 u*28 i <br />U <br />.;o <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />PARTIES: This Deed of Trust is made an 09/092002 a,hung, the Gra lm,, JUDITH A MURPHY AND BUNNI Tl' R MURPl IY, JR W IFI'. <br />AND HUSBAND ( °Borrower "), <br />ARIlND R BAACK, ATTORNEY, whose residence address is R O. Res 990, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska ( "Trustee "), and the <br />Beneficiary, HOMR FP.DER AL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, a corporation organised and existing under the <br />sLoss of NEBRASKA whose address is 221 SOUL H LOCUST STREET, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 ( "Lander ") <br />CONVEYANCE: For value received, Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the real property, of <br />which Borrower is IawCIIy seized, described below and all buildings, fixtures, and existing and future improvements thereon and all rights -o& <br />way, easements, rents, issues, profits, income, tenements, hereditaments, privileges and any appurtenances thereunto belonging (all called the <br />`property "). <br />PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2109 F: S'I'OLLEY PARK RD, GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska 68801 <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br />LOT FOUR (4), IN SANDY BHACI I SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />Located in Hall County, Nebraska <br />TITLE: Borrower convenants and warrants title to the properly, except for <br />SEC FRED DEBT: This deed of trust secures to Lender repayment of the secured debt and the performance of the convenants and agreements <br />contained in this deed of trust and in any other document incorporated herein_ Secured debt, as used in this deed of trust, includes any amounts <br />Bomwer owes m Lender trader this deed of trust or under any instrument secured by this deed of trust, and all modifications, extensions and <br />renewals thereof. <br />I'lie seemed debt is evidenced by (List all instruments and agreements ,armed by this deed of trust Find the dates thereof). <br />jI APRC ?dIVORY 1JOiI! ANDSECURIT Y ACREEMF.N'1 DATED 09 /09/2002 <br />Future advmmes: The above amount is secured even though all or part of it may not yet be advwmed. Future advances ere <br />coiner plated and will be secured to doe same extent as if ..dean the dale oftlas deed eftrus[ is executed. <br />U Rev olviag l ou of credit agreement dated _ __ ,wish initial annual in[eres[ rote of__% <br />All arum nts Owed under this agrccmcN are secured even though all amounts may not yet he advanced. F'umre advances under <br />the agreement arc contemplated and will be secured to Ilse same extent as if made on the date this deed of trust is executed_ <br />The above obligation is due and pnyahle on September 16, 2007 Taut paid earlier. <br />"Dir total unpaid balance secured by this deed of trust at any one time shall not usceaJ a maximum principal amomrt of $11,231.06, plus <br />inmresu plus ony amounts disharsed undcr the terms of this deed of trust to protect the security of this deed of trust or tr perform any of the <br />covenants cmdained in this decd of trust, with interest on such disbursements. <br />U 'Variable llate:'I'he interest rate on the obligation secured by this deed oft rust may vary according to the terms of that obligation. <br />r� A copy of the lean agreement containing the terms undcr whirl We interest rate may va,V is attached to this deed of trust and <br />made a pars hereof <br />RIDERS: ASSIGN%llN "I' OF RENTS <br />DF SIGNATION OP 11 OMI(.S I'LAD <br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Protection Act, designation a homestead iOfmched la dais deed of trust and made it part hereuf has <br />hccn disclaimed; the disclaimer is attached to this deed oftrust and made a port hereef <br />SIGNA'I'll RES: By signing below, Ilorrawer agree to the terms and constraints contained at this deed of trust, including those nn page <br />2, and m any odors dtxrlbed above signed by Be,. ower. <br />/ > / <br />1/ a lst hel i <br />JVDlTD A MURPIAN ,! /� BENNETTRMU PDY; JR <br />Al' KNOWLFD6N1EN'1: STATE OF NEBRASKA, I IA <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged befr <br />Dy Jt1D1TH A tIURPHY AND RBNN'IFI "I' li M <br />My commission expires s:'� - <br />GENERAL NOTARY SI& at Rebuild, <br />PATSY A KALKOWSKI <br />My Gomm. EV. April 24, 2003 <br />