<br />MOW M lien by 19bege Vre9;entg, That, Wherms,Inanaetianin the DadrwlCo l fthe
<br />Ninth _____ ✓udicial Dufre[ of the Side of Nebraska, whin aadJw the County of.- _ Hall teherem !i
<br />__ ._ _
<br />City _of Grand_Island, Nebraska, A- Municipal Corpoxaton. .....__piainliff and
<br />Tammy_Lee Ann Voigh[ deJendard
<br />y the___. January. 1st- - ....Term,A D. 1999 County of Hall, Nebraska
<br />_., of said cowl,
<br />dW obtain a decry finding that there u daefmm Tammy - Lee Ann Voight
<br />City of Grand _Island,- Nebraska, A Municipal .Corporation _._ the aura
<br />Sums. Found due and owing- in order -of their - priority as _determined_ in decree dollars
<br />of foreclosure
<br />acrd mahs of mat taxed .L__ _ -. ..._._.... .__.... __ - -- _____dollars, and, whercws, it way then and there
<br />further ordered in the said action that in default of the payment of the sum sefe.ed due by the mid .... ..... ._... ... .....
<br />........._...___ -
<br />Tummy Lee Ann_Voiyht _ . _ and _Jerry Watson _ - -- - -_
<br />Sheriff of said County oJ_ . Hall should muse the lands and 1,u raerts / e ei f[e d scribed to be
<br />advertised and sold according to law to pay the same, and, whereas, default harm, been made therein, the said.._.._.
<br />Jerry Watson Sheri$of said maaty, under, and by virtue of the said decree acrd
<br />the order (d sale to h an duly directed did on the .18th -_dart -_July _ -_ -- I D.gX2002
<br />at the.Lowez Lobby ._._ -._k{; f the County Court flow, in the .____ City __.__ f Grand_ Island
<br />inmid Countyof Hall - - havingfirstgiven due and legal notice of the time andplece of mid sale
<br />by publican . in vaeh roe k for four si .. cessire aeeke in ti a
<br />Grand Island Indeyegdent o nevspapar prted and &n general
<br />evcah #ion in said County of Hall_.__ __ ,_,_______ sell said premises at public nudes [ ._.
<br />............_...
<br />Steven A. & Linda L. Manolidrs - __ ......... .......__for the sum f0ne...thousand _nine hundred and
<br />110/000 ($1,900.00) - -- - _- dol(ara, which sale wos aJrermard al the Jan let __To. fmidouN,
<br />A.D.,1999 awnined and nenfrrned and the said Jerry Watson s ch Sheri$, ordered
<br />to eenwy the saidprem&aes soles simple to the said.. - Steven A & LindaL. Manolidis
<br />_Qoin Tberef ore, 1, th mid Jerry. Watson - -- Sher&$ of the Courdy of
<br />Hall ..as aforesaid, in ro,ual ratin. of the premiers aryl by vitae of the payers vested in me by law and the
<br />draw fmid owl, dohorby Give, Grand and Coreey to the said- Steven A & Linda L Manolidrs
<br />heirs acid aasigm, thepremwes se as efo,,mud sold, to wit:
<br />Lot Twelve _(12)s Block One_ (1), Dale Roush Second Subdivision to the City, of _
<br />Grand._ Island,._ Hall County,,
<br />with the appurtrounees.
<br />To f$abe anb to J�ofb the Game ardolhemed
<br />Steven A. & Linda L. Manolidrs _hears and esafgna, and to them awl their rue and behoofferever.
<br />....en ......... d ......... ..... ) �g
<br />3n Meotimonp lfjereof, 1 h , as meh Sheriff, heremen el mY this ad th �C day of
<br />Eaeculed mid Marred to the prem. of Hall
<br />Sheriff of - ....... _...._. ..Gounry. Nebraska.
<br />le.
<br />Ha11 JJ On 7hu.. - any
<br />f� —�ty�
<br />M=. 6elore me, the
<br />in acrd fur mid eounly, pereureally appeared the said
<br />- ._Jerry - Watson _....__,Sheri$ f mid Comity,
<br />h an Personally kwwn to be the is aul.rd person who segued Ise foregoing ifarrthe a as ad ur, and
<br />he a in setfdged the acme W be his vofurdary ad aM deed, as such ahwi$, far the airy and pwposa
<br />HHAL (herein aelforlh. '
<br />b1f68 my har&d acid o the day and Year show a"Alm. ' .
<br />��. RONAID D OCRSNEfl
<br />MY COMMISSKKJ E%PIHES _.. ._ -T --'-"ls _.
<br />February 14.20M
<br />