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AFFIDAVIT <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />)SS <br />COUNTY OF <br />200210236 <br />COMES NOW, Joyce H. Sullivan, (Affiant), and being first duly sworn upon oath, states <br />as follows: <br />1. I was appointed agent of Emma M. Dobberstein under a Durable Power of Attorney. <br />2. As Agent, under such Durable Power of Attorney, I have the authority to sell real estate <br />owned by Emma M. Dobberstein. <br />3. As Agent, I executed and delivered to Brian L. Pokomey, a single person a Warranty <br />Deed covering the following described real estate in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />Lot Three (3) in Block Thirteen (13) in Wallich's Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska <br />4. As of the date and time of the execution and delivery of the Deed described in <br />Paragraph 3 above, I had no actual knowledge of the termination of the Durable Power of <br />Attorney of Emma M. Dobberstein, ether because of his death or revocation of the Durable <br />Power of Attorney by her. As of (2 ,2002, Emma M. Dobberstein is a <br />living person. <br />5. This Affidavit is based upon personal knowledge of Affiant. <br />FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT: <br />R F i. <br />Subscribed and swom to, before me, this day ofd uwht - ,2002. <br />"i q nE IHA HO ..S! <br />NAtALIEA L6 <br />+52 I � Cemm Ex .Dec 12 20�A <br />My Commission <br />II' J <br />Notary Public <br />