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a(,[� <br />Exhibit A w Financing Statement <br />'DEGEN ENTERPRISES, INC. <br />d Fumy: _ NORWEST HANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION <br />Financing Statement covers the following types or items of property (the "Collateral"); <br />(a) All inventory of Debtor, whether now owned or hereafter acquired and whereat, located; <br />612 667 1550 P.O2/O2 <br />Description of <br />Collateral <br />M (b) All equipment of Debtor whether now awned or hereafter acquired, including but not limited to all present and future machinery, <br />vehicles, furniture, fixtures, manufacturing equipment, farm machinery and equipment, shop equipment, office and recordkeaping <br />equipment, parts and lucid, end the goads described in any equipment schedule or list furnished so Secured Parry by Dobtar (but no <br />such schedule or list need be furnished in order for the security interest to be vend as to all or Debtor's equipment). <br />V (e) All farm products of Debtor, whether now owned or hereafter Endoired, including but not started to (i) all poultry and INesmCk and their <br />young, products thereof and produce thereof, (ii) alt crops, whether annual or perennial, and ino products thereof, and (iii) all feed, eaed, <br />Iandiser, medicines and other supplies used or produced by Debtor in Jamming cone -t rna, (iv) any crop Insurance payments and any <br />gwemment farm support psymahts, including any diversion or deficiency payments The rent estate concerned with the above described <br />crops growing a to be Brawn is. <br />and the name of the record owner rs: <br />® (d) Each and ovary right of Debtor m the payment of money, whether such right to payment now exists or rehearser arses, whether such <br />right to payment arses out of a sale, lease or other dlspoaltlon of goods or other property by Debtor, out of a rendering of services by <br />Debtor, out of a loan by Dahl, out of the overpayment of lases or other liabilities of Debtor, or otharwrse arises under dry contract or <br />agreement, whether such right to payment is or rs not already earned by padormence, and how slavar such right to payment may be <br />cytoplasm, together with all other rights and interests (including ell liens and security inlerest5) which Debtor may at any fine have by <br />law or agreement against any account debtor or other obligor obligated to make am/ such payment or against any of the pmpcay Of <br />such account doctor or other obligor; including but not limited to all present and future debt instruments, chattel paper loans and <br />oblrgafons receivable and tex miunds <br />(a) All general Intangibles of Debtor, whether now owned or hemahar acquired. ied(jding, bur net limited to applications for patents, <br />copyrights. trademarks, trade secrets, goad well, trade names, cusromem lists, permits and franchises, and the right to use Deblold <br />name. <br />Regardless of which bores are checked above. this Financing Statement also covers: <br />0 <br />D <br />i <br />_0 <br />n <br />All substitutions and replacements far and products of any W me foregoing property not constituting consume( goods and proceeds of r� <br />any and all of the foregoing property, and, in the case of all tangible Collateral, together .,in all accessions and, except in the case of <br />consumer goods, together with (j) all accessories. adachmen(s. parts. equipment and repairs now or hereafter attached or of bled m or <br />used in connection with any surh goods, and fir) all warehouse recerpta. bills of lading and other documents of title now or hereafter , �l <br />coven'ng such goods. '+ <br />m <br />x <br />Tt1TGl P. RD <br />R <br />a <br />200210191 <br />SEP -23 -2002 <br />12:16 <br />NORWEST CREDIT SERO <br />a(,[� <br />Exhibit A w Financing Statement <br />'DEGEN ENTERPRISES, INC. <br />d Fumy: _ NORWEST HANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION <br />Financing Statement covers the following types or items of property (the "Collateral"); <br />(a) All inventory of Debtor, whether now owned or hereafter acquired and whereat, located; <br />612 667 1550 P.O2/O2 <br />Description of <br />Collateral <br />M (b) All equipment of Debtor whether now awned or hereafter acquired, including but not limited to all present and future machinery, <br />vehicles, furniture, fixtures, manufacturing equipment, farm machinery and equipment, shop equipment, office and recordkeaping <br />equipment, parts and lucid, end the goads described in any equipment schedule or list furnished so Secured Parry by Dobtar (but no <br />such schedule or list need be furnished in order for the security interest to be vend as to all or Debtor's equipment). <br />V (e) All farm products of Debtor, whether now owned or hereafter Endoired, including but not started to (i) all poultry and INesmCk and their <br />young, products thereof and produce thereof, (ii) alt crops, whether annual or perennial, and ino products thereof, and (iii) all feed, eaed, <br />Iandiser, medicines and other supplies used or produced by Debtor in Jamming cone -t rna, (iv) any crop Insurance payments and any <br />gwemment farm support psymahts, including any diversion or deficiency payments The rent estate concerned with the above described <br />crops growing a to be Brawn is. <br />and the name of the record owner rs: <br />® (d) Each and ovary right of Debtor m the payment of money, whether such right to payment now exists or rehearser arses, whether such <br />right to payment arses out of a sale, lease or other dlspoaltlon of goods or other property by Debtor, out of a rendering of services by <br />Debtor, out of a loan by Dahl, out of the overpayment of lases or other liabilities of Debtor, or otharwrse arises under dry contract or <br />agreement, whether such right to payment is or rs not already earned by padormence, and how slavar such right to payment may be <br />cytoplasm, together with all other rights and interests (including ell liens and security inlerest5) which Debtor may at any fine have by <br />law or agreement against any account debtor or other obligor obligated to make am/ such payment or against any of the pmpcay Of <br />such account doctor or other obligor; including but not limited to all present and future debt instruments, chattel paper loans and <br />oblrgafons receivable and tex miunds <br />(a) All general Intangibles of Debtor, whether now owned or hemahar acquired. ied(jding, bur net limited to applications for patents, <br />copyrights. trademarks, trade secrets, goad well, trade names, cusromem lists, permits and franchises, and the right to use Deblold <br />name. <br />Regardless of which bores are checked above. this Financing Statement also covers: <br />0 <br />D <br />i <br />_0 <br />n <br />All substitutions and replacements far and products of any W me foregoing property not constituting consume( goods and proceeds of r� <br />any and all of the foregoing property, and, in the case of all tangible Collateral, together .,in all accessions and, except in the case of <br />consumer goods, together with (j) all accessories. adachmen(s. parts. equipment and repairs now or hereafter attached or of bled m or <br />used in connection with any surh goods, and fir) all warehouse recerpta. bills of lading and other documents of title now or hereafter , �l <br />coven'ng such goods. '+ <br />m <br />x <br />Tt1TGl P. RD <br />R <br />a <br />