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200210183 (CIVFNANTS <br />1. Payments. Borrower agrees to mace all payments on me secured debt when due. Unless Borrower and Lender agree otherwise, any payment lender receives four <br />Borrower or for Borrower's benefit will be applied first many amounts Borrower owes on me secured debt exclusive of interval nr principal, second to interest, and then m <br />principal. If partial prepayment of the accred debt occurs for any match, It wit not reduce or excuse any scheduled payment until the secured debt is paid in full. <br />2. Claims Agal List Title. Borrower will pay all taxcs, assessments, and other charges attributable to the progeny when due and will defend title to Ore property against <br />my of cans which would impair the lien of this deed of trust Lender may Lecture Borrower to assign wry rights, claims or defenses which Borrower may have against <br />panics who supply labor or materials to improve or maimain the property. <br />3. Insurance. Borrower will keep the property helped rude, ham, acceptable to Lender at Borrower's espouse and for Lender's benefit All Insurance pal icies shall <br />include a standard mortgage cause in favor of Lender. Lender will be named o loss payee or as the insured on any such Insurance fail icy_ Any Insurance proceeds may be <br />applied, within ].order's discretion, an either the resturation or repair of the damaged prnpany or to the secured debt. If leader requires mortgage insurance. Borrower <br />agrees w maintain such insumncu for Lis long as Lender requites. <br />i. Property. Born wer will keep the property in good condition and make all repairs ressnnahiv necessary . <br />5. Expenses_ Borrower agrees to pay all Lenders expenses, Including reasonable attorneys' fees. if Decontrol hreaks any covenants in this deed of trust or in any <br />obligation secured by this deed attest. Borrower will pay these amounts to Lander as provided in Cneenant 9 ofthis deed of (rust. <br />R. Prior Security Interests. Unless Borrmver first obtains Lender's written contest, Borrower will not make or permit any changes to may prior security Interests, <br />Burrower will perform all of Borrower's ohllgations under any prior mortgage, deed of trust m other security agreement, including Borrower s covenants to make payments <br />when due. <br />]. Assignment of Rents end Profits. Borrower assigns to Lender the rents and profits of the property . 1 finless Borower and Lender have agreed odourcise in writing, <br />Bormwer may callert arc leuir the lens is long as Borrower is nut in default If Borrower default, London Lender's agent, or a court appointed receiver may take <br />possession and manage the property and collcetthe rent. Any rents Lender collects shall be applied first to the cost of managing the property, including court cuss and <br />atterneyF fees, commissions to rental agents, and my other necessary related expenses The remaining amount of rents will then apply m payments on me secured debt as <br />provided is ( 'uvenanL I. <br />8. Lrt,closdq Cnndnminiums; Planned Unit Developments. Borrower agrees m comply with the provisions of any lease if this deed of trust is on leasehold. Ifthis <br />deed of trust Is On u unit N v condominium or a planned unit development Borrower will perform all of Borrower's duties under Lie covenants, by laws, or regulations of <br />the condominium or planned unit development. <br />9. Authority of Lander to Perform for Borrower. If Borrower fails to perf.rrn, wry of Borrower's duties under this deed of lost, Lender may perform the duties or <br />cause them to be performed Lender may sign Borrower's none or pay any mount ifnecessary for performance. Irony construction on the property is discontinued Or not <br />carried on in a reasonable manner, lender may do whatever Is reassert' to protect lender's security interest in the property. This may include completing me construction. <br />Lender's failure to perform will not preclude Lender from exercising any of Its other rights under the law or this deed oftram <br />Any mounts paid by Lender N protect Lender's security interest will be secured by this deed of trust Such amounts will be due on demand and will been Interest from the <br />date ofthe payment until paid in full at the Interest rate In effect on the segued debt. <br />10. Dithinkind Ahaderalian. If Burrower fails to make my payment when due or breaks any covenants under this decd oftrua or my obligation secured by this deed Of <br />trust or any prior mortgage or deed of trust Lender may accelerate the maturity offing secured debt and demand immediate payment and may Invoke die Lose, of sale and <br />not note, remedies permitted by applicable law. <br />11. Barnett far Native of Default. It is hereby censored that copies ofthe notices nfdamult and sale be seat to each person who Is v party le,cm. of the address ofcach <br />such tenon, a, set loth hvcin <br />12. Power of Sale. If the Lender invokes the power of sale, lie trustee shall first record In the other Little register of deeds of each comely wherein the Oust property or <br />fo <br />scale part or priced thereof is situated a notice of derlt containing die information required by law. The Trustee shall also mail topics of the notice of Ill to the <br />Borrower, 1. each person who Is a patty hereto, and to other persons as prescribed by applicable law. Not less than one month after the Trustee records the nonce of default <br />or two minds ifthe cost property fs not m any incorporated city or village and is used In farming operations carried on by the trnsor, the Trustee shell give public trial of <br />sale in the p,..... and In the manner mr,o bed by applivolde law_ Tamer, without demand on Borrower, shall $ell me properly at public auction to the highest bidder If <br />rani red by die Four Homestead Pmrectiun Act, Trustee shall offer the properly is two separate sales as required by applicable law. Trustee may postpone sale of al l or any <br />parcel of the property by public mnounccmcnt at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale_ Lender or it designee may purchase the pmpeny al any sale. <br />Upon receipt of payment of Ne Love bid. Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser 'I made 'a deed conveying me pruperry. The recitals contained In Tmsoc's deed shall be <br />prima facie evideence of the truth of the statements contained therein. Torsion shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a) to all expenses of me sale, <br />including but not ]toiled to, reasonable Trustee's fees, reesunvble Literary fees and rommit anent fees. (b) In all sums secured by this deed oftmst, mad (c) the balance, Ir <br />any, to the persons legally entitled to receive it <br />13. Foreclosure. At Leader's od,on, this deed of trust may be foreclosed In the manual provided by applicable law for fnroolnetpe ofrimmages on real property. <br />11 Inspection. Lender may enw We pmpeny to Inspect it if Lender gists Borrower notice beforehand. The notice must stare the reasonable cause for Lender's <br />inspection. <br />15. Cundannation_ Borrower assigns to Lender the proceeds of my award or claim for damages connected with a condemnation or other taking of all or my part of the <br />pmpeny. Such proceeds will be applied as provided in Covenant I. this assignment is subject to the terms crony prior security agreement. <br />16. Waiver. By exerdsNg any remedy available to Lender, Lender does not give up my rights to later use any Other remedy By Out exeresing my remedy upon <br />Borrower's default. lender does not waive any right to Inver madder the ever o default if it happens again_ <br />17. Joint cad Several Liability; Cu- signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. All duties under this decd oftmst arejoint and several. Any Borrower who a -signs this <br />deed of cost but dues net cn -sign the underlylng debt immurpert(s) does so only to grant mid convey that Borrower's interest In the property to the Trustee under the tenor <br />of lNs deed of trust In addition. soon a Borrower agrees that the Lender and my other Borrower ande, this deed of trash may extend, modify or make guy other changes in <br />the terms of this deed of trust or the secured debt without that Borrower s comwou and without releasing that Borrower fee. the terms Of this decd of trust. <br />I Le duties and benefits of Nis deed of trust shall bind and reactor the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. <br />18. Notice. Unless otherwise tortured by Iaw, may notice to Bto O,L, shall be given by delivering it or by mailing It by coril mail addressed to Borrower at me <br />property address or my other address Nat Borrower has given to Lender. Borrower will give any notice to lender by certified mail to Lender's address on page 1 ofrhis <br />deed of Oast ormanymhe, address, which Lemoyne, designated. Any othernmi,c to I edershall besent m Lender `saddresaastamdonpage l of Nis deed oftmn_ <br />Any notice shall be deemed m have been given to Borrower or Lender when given In the manner stated above <br />19. Transfer of ire Properly Or n Beneficial Interest in the Borrower, If all or any pan of the property Or my loudest in it Is sold or vocational rowing the Lender's <br />prior wrl¢en consent, Lender may demand Immediate payment nfthe secured debt. Leander pray Ells. demand immediate payment Tribe Borrower Is not on rural person arW <br />a beneficial interest in the Borrower is sold or transferred. Huwunen Leader raw not demand payment in the above situations if r Is proMbited by kderal law as offlcdatc <br />Of has deed of trust. <br />20. Rvonveyance. When the obligation secured be this deed of trust has been Peru. and Lender has no flmher obligation to make advances under the Instruments or <br />agreements secured by this deed oftmst the Trustee shall, upon omen request by die Lender_ reurnvey the trust property. 'the Lender shall deliver to the Borrower, m to <br />Borrower's successor it interest the fast deed anal the tote or other evidence of the oMission in satisfied_ Bormwer shall pay any recotrtna roosts. <br />21. Soccessur Its rstee 1. ender, at Lender's opliohh, linty lemuve Trustee and appoint a sueassor trustee by first, mailing a copy ofthe substitution of trustee as required <br />by applicable law, and then, by filing the substitution of tmsuhc for record in the office train, register of deeds of .[I aunt- in which the trust property, or some pan <br />thereof, is shorted. The.moeecsnr m,stee, withmn conveyance ofthe property, shall succeed to .11 the power, duties. authority and dde of tae Tostce named is the deed of <br />trust and ofery successor I ..too <br />