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FILE: 02 -8382 <br />EXHIBIT "A[ <br />200210149 <br />Lot Thirteen (13), in Hidden Lakes Subdivision Number Two being a part of the Southeast Quarter of <br />the Northeast Quarter (SEI /4 NEI /4) and a part of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the <br />Southeast Quarter (NI /2 NE1 /4 SEI /4) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br />Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />AND <br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lot No. Fourteen (14), Hidden Lakes Subdivision Number Two, Hall <br />County, Nebraska and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeasterly corner of <br />Lot Thirteen (13), Hidden Lakes Subdivision Number Two; thence running northeasterly along the <br />prolongation of the Seventy-nine and Nine Tenths (79.9) foot line on the easterly side of Lot Twelve (12), <br />Hidden Lakes Subdivision Number Two, to its intersection with the southerly line of Lot One (1), Hidden <br />Lakes Subdivision Number Four, Hall County, Nebraska; thence running northwesterly along and upon <br />the southerly line of said Lot One (1), to a lot corner common to said Lot Thirteen (13), and said Lot <br />One (1), said lot corner being Forty One and Twenty-Three Hundredths (41.23) feet south of the <br />northeast corner of said Lot Thirteen (13); thence southwesterly along and upon the easterly fine of said <br />Lot Thirteen (13), a distance of Twenty Eight and Eight Tenths (28.8) feet; thence running southeasterly <br />along the easterly line of said Lot Thirteen (13), a distance of One Hundred Sixty and Fifty Four <br />Hundredths (16054) feet to the point of beginning, said tract of land lying east of and adjacent to said <br />Lot Thirteen (13). <br />PN.2 Form9 MMCy•ubmM4 MN E[Ytl MMCn,Inc L[Utr]]0.12" 02- / <br />