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200210144 <br />shall remain fully , teepee us if co euocler,ciuu had uccuned. However, this right to reinstate shall not <br />apply in the case of sccclmillon mtde, mion 18. <br />20. Sale of Non; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice o1 Grievance. The Note or a partial interest in <br />the Note (together with this Sec:uits Instrument) can he sold one or more times without prior notice to <br />Borrower. A s;dc nueht resuh ill change in Ihu cnlily (known as the "Loan Servicer ") that collects <br />Periodic Payments due under the Nom and this Security Instrument and performs other mortgage loan <br />servicing ohliga:ious solo the Notc. d s Sccuity Instmment, and Applicable Law. There also might be <br />one or more changes of the Lo:m Servicer uurclawd to a sole of the Note. If there is a change of the Lone <br />Servicer, Borrower will he givnt corium notice el the chnnhc which will slate [he name and address of the <br />new Loan Se,,iccr. the address to which hymens should be made and any other information RESPA <br />requires in corms.... wilt a notice 111 ImnSfcr of servicing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is <br />serviced by a Loan kcrviccr other ,hoc lm purchaser of the Note, the mortgage loan servicing obligations <br />to Borrower will rensatn math the Loan Servicer or he Irunsfcrued to a successor Loan Servicer and are not <br />assumed by the Note purchaser uolvs otherwise providexl by the Note purchaser. <br />Neither Horo wcr nor Leader ilk, commence, join, or be joined to any judicial action (as either an <br />Individual litigant nr the utnnhel al n class) Hutt arises Gan the other party's actions pursuant to this <br />Security Instrument or Thal alleges th:u the other party has hrcoched any provision of, ur any duty owed by <br />reaxun of, 11111, Seoul Ire le,lllrmIIIL 1111111 such Borrower or Lender has notified the other party (with such <br />notice given in conlpli:nt(c with, he CcelFctnells of Section 15) of such alleged breach and afforded the <br />other party herclo a re,,olerrl period edler the eiviun of such notice to take corrective action. If <br />Applicable Law 1111•:1111, e time period which most elapse hetore certain action can be taken, that time <br />period will he deemed to he 1u:iaouo111c for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of acceleration and <br />opportunity to cure ¢ivcn in p11nuani m Section 22 and the notice of acceleration given to <br />Borrower puauanl m SeCUl n La shall he (teemed io 1,m iof the notice and opportunity to take corrective <br />action provisions of Ore, 5ccnon 't`. <br />21. Hazardous Substances, As used h1, this Section 21: (a) "Hazardous Substances" are those <br />substances donned as tonic it h:venhllls sobetaaccs, pollutants, or wastes by Environmental Law and the <br />following substances e:rsollnc kerzsscuc, other tlammande or toxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides <br />and hcrbicidcs, rnlat iI xil vcnL, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials; <br />(b) "Castrucci I am" c,tic tudcrd lows sad IrolS el the jurisdiction where the Property is located that <br />relate to health, scel,' or atvtrnunsnal protcmion; (c) "811yir lutlTlal Cleanup" includes airy response <br />action, mcleshal aai1111. or rcmocal action. as dchnctl in Lnvtmnmental Law; and (d) an "Environmental <br />Condition" means a c11ndiime, :h:u oaa couac, contribute to, or otherwise trigger an Environmental <br />Cleanup. <br />Borrower shall not cause or perms the presence, use disposal, slorngc, or release of any Hazardous <br />Subsaneca, ur Ihu soon o release ::tic I larlydous Substances, on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, <br />nor allow anyone cGc m do_ stnthing a11cc11ng the Property (N that is in violation of any Environmental <br />Law, Co which create, Le Invirnnm(111 of (ladttiou_ or (W which, due to Lite presence, use, or release of a <br />Hazardous Substance, crcaleS a condmon that adversely ollects the veluc of the Property. The preceding <br />two sentences shal not apply w the prescmc, use, or slorngc on the Property of small quantities of <br />Hazardous Substances chat arc eeua ally rL.L091 zed to he appropriate to normal residential uses and to <br />maintenance of the Pn.prnv lmrindinr.. but not heeled In, houarduus substances in consumer products). <br />Borrower sh,P pit nfrIc or, I ender written notice of 1r,) tiny invcsligalior, claim, demand, lawsuit <br />or olhcr ueliun he ens a uun.c'.'. d �1 resdulerrt _CIILv or private pn ov involving the Property and any <br />Hazardous Suhsancc u. Ifny iloumotlal law ul which Bormwei has actual knowledge, (b) any <br />Environmental Cocclinon,, inclu,iro h i nor limned or env spilling, lenking, disehatge,, release or threat If <br />release of any Ilacaidous Sul"t„nec. and scl any condition caused by the presence, use or release of a <br />Hazardous Subsl:moo schieh udcunell u1'1'ed1 the value 111' the Properly. II' Borrower learns, or is notified <br />(M 6(NE) moos. ta.r � Form 3028 1101 <br />