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200'10137 2002$448 <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />CRANE VALLEY to the City of Grand Island 1*Iebraska <br />A Legal deseriptloo of a tract of land located in the West Half of the Northeast <br />Quarter of Sccrmu 13, Township 11 North, Range 10 West of the 6th P.M., Hall <br />County, Nebra, i.0 and more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: <br />Referring to till' Iluminum Cap for the North One- Quarter Corner of Section 13, <br />Township 11 North, Range 10 West of the 6 "' P.M., Hall County, Nebraska; Thence <br />S 00 033'11" E. pun assumed bearing), and on the West Line of the Northeast <br />Quarter of said ticction 13, a distance of 40.00 feet to a point 0.56 feet southerly and <br />0.03 feet westerl, of a found %" Pipe, said point being on the Southerly Right -of- <br />Way Line of 13 "' dtreet and also the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence S 89 052'23" <br />E, parallel with and 40 feet Southerly of the North Line of the Northeast Quarter of <br />said Section 13 :md on the Southerly Right -of -way Line of said 13th Street, a <br />distance of 395.1r feet to a point 0.15 feet southerly of a found'/ :" Pipe, said point <br />being the Nor'ha csterly Corner of Park island Square Subdivision to the City of <br />Grand Island, toeawd in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section <br />13, Township :1 Yorth, Range 10 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska; <br />Thence S 00 °33'17 E, and on the Westerly Line of said Park Island Square <br />Subdivision acd the remaining portion of Lot 1, Park Island Square Second <br />Subdivision to dtF City of Grand Island, located in the Northwest Quarter of the <br />Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 11 North, Range 10 West of the 6th P.M., <br />Hall County, i \'en raska, a distance of 974.25 feet to a found Y" Pipe, said point <br />being the Soutimcsterly Corner of the remaining portion of Lot I of said Park <br />Island Square -cond Subdivision or the Northwesterly Corner of Lot 1, Park <br />Island Square 1,:ird Subdivision to the City of Grand Island, located in the <br />Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 11 North, <br />Range 10 West tai the 6 "' P.M., Hall County; Thence N 89 °34125" E, and on the <br />Southerly Linc ,! the remaining portion of Lot 1 of said Park Island Square Second <br />Subdivision m tltc Northerly Line of Lot 1 of said Park Island Square Third <br />Subdivision, a ds,ance of 427.25 feet to a 5/8" Rebar for the Northeasterly Corner <br />of Lot 1 of said P.trk Island Square Third Subdivision; Thence S 00 °22'04" E, and <br />on the Westery of the remaining portion of Lot I said Park Island Square <br />Second Subdivision or the Easterly Line of Lot I of said Park Island Square Third <br />Subdivision, a tii,tance of 64.77 feet to it 7 :" Pipe for the Southwesterly Corner of <br />the remaining pardon of Lot 1 of said Park Island Square Second Subdivision or the <br />North, Southe:amrly Corner of Lot 1 of said Park Island Square Third Subdivision; <br />Thence N 89 °33'69" E, and on the Southerly Line of the remaining portion of Lot 1 <br />of said Park 1,iand Square Second Subdivision or the Northerly Line of Lot 1 of <br />said Park Islauo '.quare Third Subdivision, a distance of 324.24 feet to a Chiseled <br />"x" set in conerct _ for the Southeasterly Corner of the remaining portion of Lot 1 of <br />said Park Islauu square Second Subdivision or the Northeasterly Corner of Park <br />Island Square -1 o,: it Subdivision and also said point is on the Westerly Right -of -way <br />73S25g01 o8r29/02 1 120 AM Page 1 of 1 <br />